Norman Imagine (Pt 2)

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Im going to be doing something a little different by adding what the imagines are about so it won't be as confusing to some people and I'm probably going to do the same to the other imagines too.

Summary: Y/N thinks Norman is cheating on her because of his change in moods the past couple weeks.
Warning: it's going to be cheesy as fuck; like MAJOR cheesy 😂


These past couple days have been shitty. I didn't want to get up and do anything nor did I want to talk to anyone. I can't believe Norman.. If we were having trouble in our relationship, he should've talked it out with me and we could've fixed it but instead he was perhaps maybe cheating on me.. I didn't want to believe it but the signs were all there. The distance he gave me as well as the cold shoulder. I know it was stupid to get so worked up over a guy but Norman was probably the best thing that has ever happened to me.
I've only gotten up and out of bed just to go to the bathroom or the refrigerator. Luckily, I wasn't due back to work for another two days. Other than that, I was plopped right on the couch, watching tv and just spacing out which was what I was doing right now. Y/B/F/N walked through the front door and set her keys on the table with a loud jingle. She took one look at me and sighed before placing her hands on her hips,
"You gotta get out of this funk, baby." She sadly said, shaking her head sorrowfully. When I didn't reply, she stepped in front of the tv, blocking my view.
"Don't, 'Hey!', me, Y/N! It's been 5 days. Don't you think you should at least get up and do something? Like I don't know, shower?" She sassed and I rolled my eyes,
"I have showered, thank you."
"You know what I mean. You look like hell, no offense."
"Well it's not everyday you have the fear that your long term boyfriend is cheating on you because he's acting different." I spat and turned the tv up louder to drown out her talking. Y/B/F/N scoffed and strode over to me and snatched the remote from me making me groan and stuff my face into the pillow.
"Come on, up."
"No." I muffled into the pillow.
"You're such a brat, Y/N."
"Takes one to know one."
Her cell phone started to ring before she could reply,
"Hang on.." She grumbled and walked into the kitchen, mumbling a couple not so nice words.


After arguing like teenagers with Y/N, my cell started to ring making me walk into the kitchen to hear the person better over the loud tv and made my way to the fridge.
It was a strange number and out of curiosity, I answered it.
"Uh hello?"
"Hey uh Y/B/F/N, it's Norman." He sounded panicked a little. I stopped reaching into the fridge and stood straight to look at Y/N to make sure she couldn't hear me.
"Norman? What the hell are you calling me for?" I demanded, pissed he hurt my best friend.
"Look, Y/B/F/N, I didn't call to fight. I just wanted to know how Y/N was doing..."
I scoffed
"I don't know why you're asking considering you didn't take the time to think about it while you were cheating on her."
Norman groaned into the phone
"I didn't cheat!"
"Then why have you been so different with Y/N?!"
"I don't know..I've just been stressed about work--"
"Then why did you just tell her that?"
Norman sighed into the phone,
"I don't know..I honestly don't. I just feel so damn stupid I didn't tell her before."
"Ain't that the truth.." I grumbled.
"Look, I'm gonna make this right. Do-do you know where she is?"
I looked over the island in the kitchen to see Y/N still in her little spot on the couch with the pillow still over her face.
"She's here with me."
"*Whew* okay..that's a start."
"What exactly do you plan on doing anyways?" I asked, eating a grape from the bowl on the island. There was a long pause and Norman didn't speak
"Norman? Nooorrrman? Hello?"

Norman's POV

"Norman? Nooorrrman? Hello?" I heard Y/B/F/N ask as I froze. What the hell was I going to do to get Y/N back?! I looked around panicked when my eyes found a picture frame that sat on the nightstand of our bedroom. It was the day Y/N and I had our first date. That night was amazing. We ate dinner and danced in this beautifully lit park. There happened to be a photographer who was just getting pictures of the lit up park when he noticed Y/N and I and said he couldn't help but take a picture of us because we looked so happy together.
That was it.
That was how I was going to get Y/N back.
"Norman!" I heard from my phone that I forgot I was on and came back to reality.
"Huh? Oh yeah! Listen, I need you to have Y/N go to the park we met at. You know the one that always has the lights on at dark?"
"Um yeah sure okay, and how do I do that exactly?" Y/B/F/N asked.
"I don't know..make something up! I gotta go!"
I hung up on her before she could reply, grabbed my coat, hopped on my motorcycle and sped down the street.

Norman Reedus ImaginesOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant