Russel Imagine

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Summary; Russel and Y/N are happily married with a baby on the way, but Russel is unaware of that. One day while he is 'working', an event happens that soon has his life spiraling downhill. What will he do to protect the woman he loves?

*Mature Content + more smut gifs again 😁*

Just a little authors note; this is based off of the character for Norman in the movie 'Triple 9'. It will definitely not follow the storyline if you know what I mean (for the people who've seen the movie) but I thought I'd do a special Imagine for this being my 100th one! 😁


I shifted in my sleep as I felt a weird yet very pleasurable feeling spread throughout my entire body. This was a great dream..
Gasping as I felt a sudden wet trail being licked up my clit, my eyes shot open and I lifted the thin sheet to see my husband who smirked up at me but never stopped the slow strokes of his tongue. His hands slid up and down my thighs before he hiked them up so they rested on his shoulders.
I instantly wove my fingers through his shoulder length hair that was pushed back and tugged while my other hand gripped the pillow underneath my head.
"Russel, oh my god..."

"Mmm" he grunted as he continued on, placing his hands on my hips to keep them from rising up. Before long, I felt my climax building and soon came into his hot tongue, gasping and moaning loudly.
I felt Russel smirk against my stomach as he kissed it gently and crawled up to hover over my body, resting his weight on his arms so he wouldn't crush me.
"Good morning, baby." He smiled as he leaned down and kissed my lips finally.
"Great morning." I corrected him, running my hands over his large muscles, tracing his tattoos.
"What's the plan for today?" I asked, sitting up so our faces were just inches away. When Russel didn't say anything and just looked at me, I knew the answer,
"You're going to 'work' again, aren't you?" I sighed, flopping my head back down on the pillow.
"Oh don't be like that, baby."
"Was that little playtime just a bribe so I wouldn't get upset?"
When Russel didn't reply again, I sighed,
"It's just for a couple hours..I'll get back before dinner."
When I didn't say anything, he started to kiss my face,
"Don't be mad, baby, please?"
"I'm sorry...I just worry about you a lot, Rus. Especially whenever Gabe is involved..then it goes south. I'm just scared one of these days something really bad is going to happen.."
"I know, I know but you forgot one thing."
I raised my eyebrow at him,
"I'm awesome." He joked and I scoffed, pushing him off playfully,
"Suuure, Rus. Whatever you say. Now, up. You need to go play 'Bad Boys' and I need to start my day."
Russel jumped up and came up behind me as I started to make the bed, wrapping his arms around my middle and kissing my temple,
"I'll see you tonight. I love you."
"I love you too." I smiled, feeling lonely as soon as he let go, grabbed his jacket and keys and left. I sighed as I sat on the freshly made bed. It was totally normal to worry about this type of situation but I don't think as much as I worried. I did have a little faith in my husband, he always came home without a scratch besides the occasional bruise from fist fighting when the job got dirty. I didn't know anyone else who could ever accept what Russel did for a living but I put up with it because I loved him so much.
I looked down at my belly and rubbed it in small circles, smiling,
"Everything is going to be okay. Daddy is gonna know about you soon enough, baby. I promise."

Norman Reedus ImaginesOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant