C Sharp Minor

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Last night was so heart melting. To hear Zonnique scream like that and break down afterwards was a horrible sight. I didn't speak of it when we were eating breakfast and neither did she. We kept it that way until I was ready to speak on it. 

"You okay Zonnique?" I watched as she at her piece of pizza in silence. 

"I'm fine." She still ate her pizza. 

"If you want to talk about it I'm here." I rubbed her upper back. 

"I'm fine Bahja." She cut her eyes at me. 

"Fine is another word for hurt Zonnique Jailee Pullins." I scooted my chair closer to hers. 

"I'm okay Bahja damn." She cursed at me.

"Zonnique you're not fine!" I screamed. 

"I know I'm not!" Zonnique pulled up her sleeve showing off her cuts. 

"Oh my..." I grabbed her arm, pulling her closer. 

"I feel so dirty Bahja. So useless..." she broke down like last night. I read the unpleasant words all over her arm. One read whore while another read useless. Here I was thinking she was so perfect with the rich looking house, expensive clothes, and pretty smile. Truth of the matter was that she was hurting. My grandma was right, money doesn't but you a dime of happiness. 

"Please don't think less of me." Her eyes showed mentally injured. 

"I wont think any less of you. I'm your best friend Zonnie! I will never in my whole entire life judge you." I gave her a big hug. 

"I'm so disoriented Bee. I tried to stop thinking about it because what's done is done but what was done bruised me. You know what he said to me while he forced himself inside me? He said that i'd like it and that I was whore anyway. He told me that I was so useless that I was wasting space in the world. After he was finished he spit on me. His saliva hit me in the face Bahja! The whole night I laid there letting his words sink in and etch to my brain." Zonnique traced over her cuts. I was loss for words. I didn't know what to say. I was never a comforting person like that. All I could say was it would be okay and that everything would be fine. I heard the front door open and close back. 

"Zonnique hun are you here?" I heard a woman yell. 

"Yeah mom I'm in the kitchen." She quickly gathered herself together and sat back in her chair. Her mother came in the kitchen. Of course she didn't tell her mom.

"Oh is this your friend Bahja?" She smiled and looked at me.

"Yeah mommy met my new best friend Bahja, Bahja meet my mother." Zonnique introduced us. 

"Hey Mrs.Pullins." I waved smiling. 

"Hello muffin. Zonnique your step dad wants to talk to you." Mrs. Pullins looked directly at Nique Nique. Nique looked at me with pleading eyes. I didn't know what to do! What could I do? 

"Can I meet Zonnique's stepfather?" I blurted out. 

"Oh sure cupcake. You and Zonnique go ahead." Tiny shooed us away. Me and Zonnique got up from our chairs and made our way to Zonnique's step dad. 

"Thanks." She whispered to me. I nodded my head as we approached her stepfather. 

"C-Chase this is Bahja." Zonnique automatically stuttered. 

"Well hello Bahja as you know I'm Z's stepfather Chase." He grinned. Oh how badly I wanted to wipe that stupid grin off his face. 

"Zonnique could I talk to you privately for a second?" He gripped on Zonnique's arm. 

"Y-yes sir." They walked around the corner. A few minutes later they came back and Zonnique was quiet. While we were walking back to her room she was still silent. Once we were in her room I shut the door and I turned around to see her crying again. 

"Star do you want to sleep over my house tonight?" I suggested. 

"Please." She wiped her tears for the second time today. 

"Zonnique me and your stepfather are leaving now. We came back because we have a show here. I'll see you in two months baby. Make sure you lock the door if you ever leave the house." Mrs.Pullins kissed Zonnique's temple and sat some money next to her. Tiny left and closed the door back. Nique shoved the money of the bed and started to mess up her neat room. 

"Fuck all this! This is pure bullshit! All of it!" She raged, tears flowing down her round cheeks. She kicked her drawer and knocked over her lamp. 

"Calm down Nique Nique. Just pack some clothes and you can stay at my place. I don't know how long but just pack as many piece of clothing as you can." I picked up her lamp and fixed her room back up. 

"Okay." She relaxed and walked inside her closet. Me being the best friend alive I helped her pick out outfits, pajamas, and accessories. We stuffed them in her suit case and waited til her parents left so we could leave. Since we had no ride to my house we walked. A very hard long walk since I was lazy. However Zonnique said she was used to walking long distances since she hated to be home alone. During our conversation we finally stumbled upon my house. I knocked on the door and my grandma opened the door. 

"Bahja? Why are you home so early? Is that the darling Zonnique?" My grandmother opened the door wide for us. 

"Thank you." Zonnique cheesed. 

"We came home early because she wanted to come back over here." I told a half lie, half truth.

"Okay... I just made some blueberry muffins you guys can have them if you want." She said. 

"Of course grandmother Beverley I bet they're good." Zonnique walked into the kitchen, washed her hands, and grabbed one. I washed mines after hers and grabbed one also. 

"I have to clean the kitchen so y'all can hang in Bahja's room." My granny grabbed the broom. We nodded and went up to my room. 

"We should have a dance party." I cheered. 

"Bahja you're incredimazable!" She smirked. I put my phone on the doc and turned on "#GetItRight" By Miley Cyrus. We started dancing while eating our blueberry muffins. I was doing this to cheer my best friend up and my plan worked because she was having a good time.

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