E Key Part 2.

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Continuing with the school day was hard since I was alone most of the time. It was now the end of the day and I was waiting for Zonnique so we can walk to her house. I slid my back down the outside stair rails while holding my books. Ten minutes later Zonnique come back with Rayan. My nostrils flared, my eyes widened, and my face turned dark red. I stormed over to her.

"Why is he with you?!" I raged.

"Calm down Bee he's walking with us to my house. Plus he missed the bus." Nique reached out to touch my shoulder. I shoved her hand back and turned around.

"You can go with him. I'm going home." I snarled.

"Bahja chill." Ray said.

"Chill? Chill? Zonnique has spent ALL day with your butt and ignored me. You're breaking me and my best friend apart you douche!" I'm pretty sure my veins popped as I struck him with my pointer finger on his chest on every single word.

"Woah I didn't know I was stealing someone's best friend." Ray frowned innocently. Zonnique pouted.

"Baby you're not stealing anyone. Bahja is just overreacting." Zonnique kissed Ray. Ray smirked at me.

"Baby?" I said in disgust.

"Yes if you must know me and Rayan go out now." Nique smiled.

"You just met him! What the actual fizz bizz?" I face-palmed myself.

"So! I love him. You're just mad because the boy you like is a player and will NEVER actually like you." Nique cut her eyes.

"Really? But your going out with a boy who wears kilts! kilts Zonnique! And there is nothing wrong with Chresanto! Unlike this boy!" I yelled.

"Nothing wrong with Chresanto? His dad is my stepfather! I think I know everything about my stepbrother! He was there watching when I got raped!" Nique yelled back at me.

"You didn't tell me that..." My shoulders slumped.

"I sure as hell was dropping hints like crazy!" She rolled her eyes.

"Just watch your back Zonnique. You just met this boy." I began to turn around.

"I just met you too! So whats the difference?" Nique screeched.

"I was there for you. The question is will he?" I began walking home. It was long, cold, numbing, walk but I got home.

"Bahja is that you?" My grandma said from in the kitchen.

"Yeah grandma." I placed my backpack down.

"I thought you and Zonnique were going to her house." My grandma slowly made her way down the stairs.

"We were." I put on my straightest face.

"Okay...well we can get our piano session on now." My grandma opened the back door and walked to my club house. Once we were inside I expressed my feelings on the piano.

After my piano session with my grandma we went back into the house. I opened my room door and Zonnique was sitting on my bed staring straight ahead at the wall. I ignored her and put on my pajamas in the bathroom.

"Your a bitch y'know." Nique glanced at me and looked away.

"I'm a what?" I slammed my drawer close.

"A B i t c h." She spelled.

"Bet you wont boss up though." I balled my fist.

"Oh please Bahja I will knock your ass out in a second." She giggled. I threw a punch and it hit her right in the eye.

"Oh no you didn't!" She pounced on me and we began fighting. My grandmother came through the door and gasped.

"Bahja and Zonnique Rodriguez!" Grandma Beverley pulled us apart.

"Zonnique started it!" I breathed heavy.

"No I didn't Bahja started it!" Nique furrowed her eyebrows.

"It doesn't matter who started it! You two are practically sisters. Act like it. Accept each other and correct your wrongs." My grandma sat on the bed.

"But mamaw she disrespected my boyfriend out of jealousy!" Nique sat down.

"No I didn't!" I yelled. My grandma looked at me.

"Bahja wait your turn." Grandmother Beverley said.

"She's jealous because I've been spending time with my boyfriend and the boy she likes is a player." Nique finished off.

"Okay now Bahja nows your turn."

"For one I'm not jealous. Another I'm mad because she spent the whole day with him and I had to be alone." I crossed my arms.

"You two both have valid reasons but boys and being alone shouldn't stop you two from being sisters. Hug it out or no dinner." My grandma got up and strolled out the room. It was silent for five minutes straight. I looked at her and she was looking at me. We scooted near each other and hugged.

"I'm only doing this to eat." I muttered.

"And I'm only doing this because I want to eat too." She said. We then pulled away and looked into each others eyes.

"I'm so sorry Beauty!" She collapsed into my arms.

"Me too Star!" I hugged her while crying.

"Let's never fight again. Ever." Zonnique cried.

"I agree! That was awful." I hugged her. I could've sworn I saw my grandma standing behind the door smiling. When we were done mending our sisterhood back, we raced down the stairs for dinner. As I sat out the three plates, Zonnique sat down the eating utensils next to the three plates. My grandma sat the food down on the table and we said grace. Zonnique, My grandmother, and I all dug in.

After dinner me and Zonnique watched Toy Story 3 and ate popcorn. I looked next to me and Zonnique was out. I smiled and pulled the cover over my sister. I turned off the movie but left the tv on because I hate sleeping without the tv on. That's weird. I slid under the cover and closed my eyes. Zonnique began doing her usual scream, squirm, and panicking. I shook her awake and we walked to my grandma's room. We got in the bed with her and dozed off.

I know this was probably short but I'm so eager to post this and get on with the story.

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