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//1 week later\\

I scrapped the last of the apple cinnamon oatmeal out of the bowl and shoved the spoon in my mouth. I almost decided on licking the plate but my grandmother was sitting next to me and I knew better. Zonnique was home, but she was knocked out because of her medicine. Chresanto was outside playing basketball with his friends. Now let me tell you the story on why he was staying over...he's staying over here because he was tired of my mothers lies. I can't tell you what he told me because soon you'll find out. Just soon. I stood on the porch as I watched my brother slam dunk on his new, trustworthy, and handsome best friend, Jacob Perez. I was kind of falling for Jacob...his accent, his hair, his personality, and most of all his manners. Yeah I know I just dropped Chresanto like a fly. As soon as I found out I liked my own brother, I mentally gagged and almost physically gagged too. After that I started to think of him in a sibling way. Gross, nasty, and irritating. He was those three and beyond. The boys took a break from playing basketball and grabbed their water bottles from the cooler Chresanto had brought out there before they started playing. Jacob took a sip of his water and closed it back.

"Hey Chres y'all got a bathroom?" Jacob asked.

"Nah Jay we piss on the lawn." Chresanto cut his eyes. Jacob laughed as he made his way to the front door where we awkwardly looked at each other.

"What's up Bahja?" Jacob kissed my hand and smiled politely.

"Just watching you guys play b-ball." I twirled my hair nervously.

"That's what's up. Maybe one day I'll teach you. That is if Chresanto doesn't beat me up cause you're his sister." Jacob chuckled.

"Forget about him. He isn't important." I giggled along with him. He nodded his head and proceeded inside the house. I fanned myself and went back inside the house to check on Zonnique. When I walked in the room Zonnique was up and on her phone playing a game.

"Zonnique you okay? Do you need to use the bathroom? Take another shower? Brush your teeth? Eat?" I instantly started worrying about her.

"Beauty I'm fine. I already used the bathroom, took a shower, and brushed my teeth. Plus Mamaw just made me bacon, eggs, and sausages with my favorite blueberry pancakes." Zonnique boasted.

"You're just having a jolly ole time at home." I giggled.

"Yup! But I wish I could go outside for some air." Zonnique frowned.

"I'll go get your wheelchair." I rushed to the linen closet and pulled out her wheelchair. Then I helped her get inside and put her feet on the foot pedestals. I pushed the button by the staircase and the wheelchair ramp started to form on the stairs. Cool right? I wheeled Zonnique down the stairs and out the door. I looked at her as she smiled enjoying the air even though it was starting to get a little chilly. Zonnique hasn't been outside the past seven days because she was either in pain or sleeping. Chresanto greeted Zonnique as well as the other boys outside. Craig, also one of Chresanto's trustworthy best friend, greeted Zonnique in a flirty way and she was loving it and him. The whole time she was outside she didn't even talk to me. But I didn't care. As long as it wasn't...the one who shall not be named, I was cool with it. I was deep in thought when Jacob sat next to me holding the basketball.

"Want to play?" He cracked a small smile.

"Sure. Just let me go put on something comfortable." I said blushing. I basically almost broke my neck trying to go up the stairs but I threw on a black tank top, a pair of Chresanto's black and white basketball shorts, and my Jordan's specifically my  Oreo's that matched. I threw my hair into a bun and checked myself out in the mirror. My outfit was comfortable and okay since I was just playing basketball with Jacob. Once I was back outside Jacob taught me how to shoot, throw, pass, and dunk. Soon enough I was playing just as good as the boys...okay maybe I over exaggerated on that line but what I meant was, I was good enough to not look like a dumb person when I play with the rest of the boys.

After the boys left we all went back inside to play the Xbox and just mess around. Zonnique went to bed after we played the Xbox because she was wore out and kind of in pain. When I went to go check on her again, she was knocked out just like this morning. Boy I tell you, those pills ain't no joke. I slid in the bed beside her and closed my eyes.


//The next day 9:00a.m.//


I woke up to hearing arguing going on from downstairs. Chresanto, who was sleeping on the floor, groaned and slowly got up. Zonnique's eyes fluttered open and she groaned also. I banged my head against the headboard. When the arguing grew louder and we heard stuff start to break, that's when me and Chresanto ran down the steps and broke my grandmother and mother up. Of course I was the one holding on to my grandmother and Chresanto held on to our mother.

"How dare you come in my house and call me out my name!" My grandmother yelled.

"Give me back my son and daughter you old hag!" My mother growled.

"It's not my fault they don't like you nor be around you!" My grandmother screamed. My mother had no reply to that one so she just continued to try and throw things and hit my grandmother. That's when I took matters into my own hands and slapped the hell out of my mother. Then I sat my grandmother down.

"Now you got to deal with me. You ain't bout to disrespect my grandmother!" I took off my pajama shirt showing off my sports bra.

"Wanna fight? Let's do it." I growled just like her. Like mother, like daughter.


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