Chapter 9

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I woke up very confused as to where I was and I tried to think what happened last night. I started to remember and I wiped the sleep out of my eyes. The alarm clock next to the bed read, 8:24.
I got up and started searching for Sam when I got down stairs I realized that no one was in the house but Rebekah.

I walked over to the couch and shook her to wake up.

"What the hell Mags it's still early" she said in a tone of annoyance.

"Where's everyone go?" I said in concern.

"Practice." She said still half asleep.

"Why so early. Has the season even started?" I asked confused.

She looked up at me,

"Maggie school starts in two days you know that right? They start football practice like two weeks before summer ends." She said in a smart tone

One tradition that me and my friends used to do at my old school was we wouldn't find out the day school started because then it would make summer last longer. But I didn't expect it to start that soon.

"Oh okay I didn't know." I said in an apologetic tone for waking her up.

"Well when will they be back." I said still talking to her.

"Okayyy..."she piped up off the couch.

"I assume your not going to let me go back to sleep so I might as well get up." She said in annoyance.

She started changing into clothes.

"Where are you going?" I asked.

"On a walk. We can walk past their practice." She said while brushing her teeth.
I rushed up stairs and straightened the pieces of hair that got curly from the way I slept and I figured If I'm going out in public I should make myself look like I didn't just wake up so I put some makeup on. Just the basic foundation, concealer, mascara, eyes liner, and eye shadow. After that I changed into some jean shorts and a white shorter shirt that I had gotten from the mall last week and I put on some sandals and I put sunglasses on my head to finish off the look.

"Ready?" I heard Rebekah shout from down stairs.

"Coming" I yelled in reply as I grabbed my phone.
While we were walking we just talked about life and parents and stuff like normal people talk about until she asked the one question I didn't want to answer.

"So what happened last night." She asked with a smirk.

"Umm..." I said with a smile on my face.

"I KNEW IT" she screamed out

"Shh" I said laughing.

"Was it good" she said.

"Yeah it was" I said smiling and thinking about how sweet he was.

When we finally got to the football field I looked over to see a ton of guys wearing heavy pads and helmets as they all looked alike.

"35" said Rebekah.

"What?" I said.

"Sam's number 35 if your looking for him." She said.

"Thanks." I said.

The cheerleaders were practicing on the sidelines as I watched them all flip around. They were kind of close to where we were standing and I saw Sam walk up to them with two other guys.

"Better tell the school board to buy longer skirts don't wanna encourage any men." Said one of them. They were now walking around the field to end practice.

"Cheerleaders are hot this year." Said one of the guys."

I saw a guy kissing a cheerleader and the number read 35. I thought to myself and it took me about ten seconds for realize that was Sam. I had this feeling in my stomach that just made me wanna run away from everything. Right as he said this he made eye contact with me as I had a tear fall down my cheek. He looked at me with the straightest face and it looked like he was sorry but it didn't matter.
"Black go long." Someone called out but he just like me, was blocking everything out.

More tears fell as he just stared at me. We were about ten feet away from each other. But soon the silence was broke...

Bam the ball whacked Sam right in the back.

"What the hell." He shouted. But then his eyes came back to mine. Rebekah looked at me with a face of apology.
I turned around as started to walk away.

"Maggie please." Called Sam as I was walking away.

"Black. Your weren't dismissed. Hoffman go get his ass." Called his coach but he didn't seem to care.

He grabbed my arm and I turned to face him with mascara running down my face from the tears.

"Maggie I'm sorry" he said sounding sorry.

"Sorry? Seriously? I trusted you. With everything. I thought you could change." I said in between sobs not caring if his friend was listening right behind him.

"I can Maggie please just give me a second chance." He pleaded.

"No, uh you can't...about five minutes ago you made it very clear that that's just another lie to make up your reputation." I said.

"Come on Rebekah." I said still crying.

"Your a fucking idiot you you told Luke you wouldn't hurt her you asshole." Screamed Rebekah as she girl slapped him on his chest, but like came over and pulled her away as Sam just sat there staring at me with apologetic eyes.

I couldn't stop crying and I was comforted by Luke as he wrapped his muscular arms around me and kissed my for head. That's the thing I like about Luke. He's very sweet.

"I can't believe you managed to fuck up the one thing important in your life with in one day." Said Luke as he turned around and walked me and Rebekah home.
I know you all probably hate me rn but there's gotta be some kind of turning point.
Please comment someone to play one of the characters.
Love you all!!

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