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This is for twd_girl82102 I hope u like it☺️ warning mature content ahead! ✌🏼️
Juanita's pov
Today was just like an average day in Alexandria I was getting ready to go hangout with my boyfriend Carl at his house. I changed into blue skinny jeans, a white blouse, and white flats.
Then I went to go tell my cousin Ron that I was going to be at Carl's house for a couple of hours.
"Hey Ron!" I said
"Hey Juanita!" Ron replied
" I'm going to go hangout with Carl." I said
"Ok fine, I'll tell my mom that you'll be home by dinner." He said
"Thanks Ron! Bye!" I said hugging him goodbye.
Ron waves to me as I run out of the house.

When I arrived at Carl's house. I opened the door to the house, to be overcome with the aroma of baking cookies.
Then I saw Carlo putting another batch of cookies in the oven and Carl placing cookie doe on a cookie sheet.
"Hi you guys, what's up with all of the cookies? I asked
"We decided to make cookies for the little kids in the community. Because Sam and Judith said they were craving some." Carol replied with a smile.
"Well can I help with anything?" I asked
"Sure! If u could help Carl place the cookie doe on the cookie sheets that would be great." Carol said.
I nodded then gave Carl a kiss on the cheek before getting to work.
*About 10 minutes later*
Carl and I were finally putting the last of the cookie doe on the cookie sheets. Then putting them inthe oven.
"Well that's the last of it!" Carl said a bit relived.
"Ok I will be back in 30 minutes so that the cookies will bake. In the meantime you kids should start to clean up please." Carol said opening the door to leave.
Carl and I both nodded then waved to Carol goodbye.
When she left Carl turned to me and smirked.
"Hello beautiful!" Carl said looking me up and down.
"Hey baby!" I replied as I started to wash some dishes.
Then I felt Carl press his body up against me on my back side.
The he whispered lustfully in my ear," How about we make more of a mess in here?"
"No Carl not now!" I resisted.
Then he started to kiss my neck . That's when I gave in.
I turned around to face Carl. I stared in his beautiful blue eyes as they darkened with lust.
Then he again pressed his body up against me. Except he started to grind his hips into mine. I moaned. Then he grabbed my blouse and basically tore it off of me.
I then started to kiss Carl roughly on his lips. Which made him grind harder into my hips. Soon enough both of us were a moaning mess.
Then right as Carl started to unbutton my jeans. The front door opened,  that's where Daryl was standing.
"Whoa there! We don't want a bun in the oven next!" Daryl said as he covered his eyes.

Hope u liked it! 💯☺️
Love u

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