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This is for TWD_geek I'm sorry it took me so long to make. I hope u like it! 😊💯
Sarah's pov
I sigh to myself as I walk past all of the houses at Alexandria. I'm currently going over to the Grime's house so that I can babysit Judith. I've been in the group ever since Atlanta. (Where my parents died.)
Once I arrive to their house I ring the door bell to be rudely greeted my Carl. Which by the way use to be my best friend.
"Ugh! What are u doing here?" Carl asked while rolling his eyes.
"I'm here to babysit your sister." I replied
" well I guess I have to let you in my house then." Carl said while letting you come in.
Carl handed Judith over to me and said while walking out the door," my dad and I will be back in two hours. Don't do anything stupid while we're gone."  
Before I could come back with a come back Carl had already left the house.
" I can't wait to jump over the walls and get away from all these pitty parties once Rick and Carl come back." I thought to myself while bouncing Judith up and down in my arms.
The truth is that Carl and I use to be friends ever since Atlanta until one day at Hershel's farm something changed him. Which I just didn't understand. And for whatever reason Carl started to hate me.
I wait for Carl's and Rick's arrival while Judith is napping in her room. Then, all of the sudden Maggie walked in the house with a smile on her face. I love Maggie she has always been a mother figure towards me.
"Hey darling, I have a message from Rick to let you know that he's going to need you to babysit for a few more hours. " Maggie said
" WHAT!?! WHY?!?" I wined
" Rick had some type of complication with the expansion plan." Maggie replied
" ok thanks Maggie for letting me know." I smiled
" No problem!" She waved to me as she left the house.
It was beginning to get dark. I was giving Judith her bottle, while she started into my eyes.
Then Carl and Rick finally arrived back to their home.
" hey, Sarah thank you so much for all your help today with Judith!" Rick said while taking  Judith out of my arms
" It's no problem at all. I love taking care of her." I replied while giving Judith one last hug before I go.
I wave to Rick then give Carl a glare, while I walk out of the house.
Once I got out side I looked at the almost set sun.
"Crap!" I whispered to myself while speed walking towards one of the walls. Once I arrived at one of the wall panels I quickly climbed the up then down the wall. Once I was down the wall on the other side it was completely dark. But luckily I had my flashlight and knife with me just incase. As I walked further into the pitch black woods I felt like someone was watching me. I looked all around me but didn't see anyone.
Then all of a sudden someone covered my mouth and pinned me to the ground.
Once me vision focused I saw it was Carl above me. I hit him lightly so he would let me up.
" What the hell are you doing here!" I asked Carl.
" following you of course! Why are YOU out here?" Carl asked
" It's none of your business! Why were you following me?" I asked while glaring at him.
" To make sure you are safe!" Carl said
" when have you ever cared if I was safe Carl?" I screamed/whispered
" Ever since I first met you !" Carl said
" ya whatever!  You've hated me ever since we were at Hershel's farm." I said
" look Sarah, it's not that I've hated you its just that I've been scared to loose you.  The day we found out Sophia was a walker in the barn my whole life had just changed. I didn't want to feel that hurt again. So I thought if I blocked you out of my life I wouldn't feel hurt if u died. But now I realized I would care if you would die." Carl said with tears forming in his eyes.
I was speechless I didn't know what to say, so then I just pulled Carl into a hug .
Carl wrapped his arms around me and stared deeply into my eyes. And at that moment I noticed how extremely attractive this boy was. So I just wanted to kiss him.
So I started to lean my face closer to his. As I would lean closer to Carl, carl would do the same towards me.
Then once we were about to kiss Rick came out of no where and yelled " STOP!"
Carl and I pushed each other away. Then looked at Rick.
Rick sighed and said," I should have told you kids this a long time ago, but you guys are cousins."

To be continued if you'd like TWD_geek 💯💯
I hope u liked it!!
Ok you guys ttyl
Love u

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