39 | The Prison Break

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By Wednesday, five people had turned into seven as Cayden had also agreed to come, along with Liam and some girl he invited.

I had called Franny yesterday afternoon and asked her, and she was more than happy to come. Since Dad and Uncle Alex were going to New York and won't be back till Christmas, she and Alecia were home alone. Alecia's older brother was staying in Florida with our grandparents.

So that made a total of nine, the additional being Franny and my little cousin Alecia.

Claire was beyond thrilled when she found out, although she couldn't fathom why so many of us would want to ruin our holidays in Myrefall.

That was the name of the town by the way, Myrefall.

Located near the sea, it was a place where quiet folk lived, like farmers and fishermen. Because of the beach, it was a tourist attraction, and the two itself was quite old, dating back to the nineteenth century.

To me, it was a place out of Tim Burton's movie. You know, the one where Johnny Depp plays the sexy vampire and the lady from Miss Peregrine's home for Peculiar Children plays the witch.

That was a good movie.

Anyways, since holidays started next week, the plan to leave was for Sunday. It was a three-hour drive though, and we were renting a mini-bus.

Which was sort of cool, if you asked me.

So on Thursday, I decided to approach mom and tell her we were leaving. It was six o'clock, and I decided to get it done before half past, which was when Catherine and her mom usually came over to talk about the dresses and the show and all that stuff.

"Of course not." Was her first reply.

Frowning, I tried again, even throwing a half-hearted please. "But Franny and Alecia are going too. I won't be-"

"All the more reason not to go." She looked up from her fashion magazine, and threw me a dirty look. "I don't trust them, I don't trust your so-called friends, and I definitely don't trust you."

What had I ever done for her not to trust me?

I would understand if she hated me because I was some stripper or pole-dancer, or even if I got low grades or did drugs. But I didn't do either of those things.

This was becoming harder and harder.

I sighed. "Fine." I mumbled, still not in the mood to lose just yet. Maybe I could get Cayden to talk to her. Would that work?

I headed up to my room after that, shutting the door and taking a few deep breaths to calm my mind. Meditation was something I never did, and I found that counting-to-ten thing didn't really help either.

Sighing, I decided to actually do something useful for once. I took all the clothes off my bed and then out of my closet, rearranging them neatly and hanging them in place.

I did my shoes next, and untangled the few necklaces I had, all presents from either Franny, grandma or my friends.

What can I say? I wasn't a jewelry person.

I made my bed and smoothed out the sheets. I had just pulled a book out of my shelf for a casual read when there was a knock on the door.

Setting my book down, I yelled, "Come in!" I expected either Margaret or Cayden, but it was neither.

It was Catherine.

She passed me a small smile, asking me if she could enter.

I stood there shocked for a minute before coming to my senses and finally nodding.

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