41 | The Ride

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To say that the ride was exciting would be a lie. To say that the ride was boring... well, that would be another lie.

Because the truth was, I spent those four hours sleeping. Initially, they were supposed to be three, but we got caught in traffic.

Anyways, as I was saying, I slept through the entire ride- yup, I definitely did have a fever- with my earphones in place and phone tucked away in the pocket of my hoodie.

Speaking of hoodies, I wondered how the girls could wear stuff like skirts and shorts, since it was literally December.

And even though it didn't snow here, far from it, the winds still blew and the sky turned black which resulted in a downpour sooner or later.

Natasha and Miriam were wearing their signature skirts. Kelly's was similar, only two inches shorter. Which was saying something, since the former didn't even reach mid-thigh.

Claire was in her tattered jeans as usual, and Catherine was wearing shorts. But at least she had the decency to wear tights under. And not only that, but I bet her body was thanking her for the fact that her blood wasn't half-frozen.

So that's what I did for four hours. Sleep and wake up to judge people.

My my, I was becoming more catty every day.

The scenery was nothing of interest. The same fields that I had passed more times than I could remember, mostly of wheat and rice.

Bare trees stood on the sides of the road sometimes like sturdy brown barriers, and other times, there were wild bushes or brown landscape.

Dani had to nudge me awake -thrice, but who was counting? Ha! Me - before I could finally stir. I pushed him away and groaned.

"We're almost here." He told me. "I bet you didn't wanna miss the view, now did you?"

I was about to complain that the view consisted solely of brown and green carpets of nature, when my head turned towards the window and I realized how wrong I was.

Over the roofs of little houses that stood far, far away, was the outline of the sun's sparse rays reflecting off a rich blue that waved lazily with the wind.

My breath caught in my throat as I extended my hand towards the window.

"It's beautiful."

"Yeah." Liam agreed from the back, having heard our conversation. "Wait until you actually get there."

I wondered what sort of punishment Claire's parents had given here by sending her here. Sure the atmosphere was a bit dull and the weather unpredictable, but come on, it was the beach.

And even though it was winter and more than half of us could catch pneumonia if we swam for too long, it didn't matter.

Because it was the beach.

The bus slowed to a stop right in front of a little shack on the sand. On the other side was a large guest house- or a small hotel, I couldn't decide.

The first thing I noticed when I stepped out was that the sand looked gray, almost like clouds floating above it. They weren't so dark though, and that's how I knew it wasn't going to rain. At least, not today.

"Okay guys, let's head in now, shall we?" Franny called to Justin and Eli, who had already began wading barefoot in the sand.

They huffed but followed her anyways.

Once the bus was unloaded, Franny had a word with the driver before she led us all indoors through the large glass doors of The White Queen. A little lady greeted us in the front, hugging Claire and exclaiming how big she had grown.

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