42 | The Night Visitor

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The sun had gone by the time I woke up. I got out of bed anyways and took a quick, hot shower and changed into comfy jeans and a white sweater. The weather wasn't cold at all, but I wasn't going to take any risk.

Once I had brushed my hair, I left my room and went downstairs, in search of everybody else.

"They're gone to the beach." Miss Clementine smiled. "For a walk."

"Oh." I blinked. "Thank you for telling me." I wondered why they would go out at a time like this.

"No problem, honey." She swung an arm around my shoulder, and I got the impression that she wasn't a person who knew personal boundaries. However, her embrace was warm and I didn't shrug him off.

"All except one." She said, pointing to the door that led... somewhere.

It was made of wood and swung back and forth, and Miss Clementine led me inside. The dining hall.

Long wooden tables were arranged in rows, and instead of chairs, there were benches. It looked like something out of Harry Potter, the main difference being that this was smaller. And had no magical roof.

She nodded her head in the direction of someone sitting on one of the benches. In fact, he seemed to be the only person there.

I recognized the dark hair almost immediately.

"Hey." I said, sitting down next to him.

Liam replied with a half wave before going back to typing on his phone.

"Natasha and the girls are up in their rooms." He said distractedly. "The others are gone for a walk."

So I've been told.

Miss Clementine turned back and proceeded to help one of the maids clear the tables. With nothing else to do, I got up and decided to help her.

It was either that or stare at Liam texting. And the latter was also known as creepy stalker.

But Miss Clementine stopped me as soon as I had picked up the first plate. "There's no need, dear." She said.

Oh, but there was. Judging by the amounts of cutlery, this was going to take forever.

And I had nothing else to do.

"It's no problem." I answered. I helped them pick up the plates and carried them in small piles towards the back of the counter, through another door that led to the kitchens.

When- finally- the tables had been cleared, Miss Clementine said to me, "I don't think I saw you at dinner."

"Um, no. I was in my room."

"Well, are you hungry, dear? I think we have some roast chicken left over."

I didn't realize how hungry I was until she had said those words. I nodded, and she asked me to wait for a minute before she rushed into the kitchen and got me a full plate.

I sat down across Liam and picked up my fork.

"Why didn't you eat earlier?" he said, but his tone was still the same. Uninterested.

"I was asleep."

Liam looked up at me from his phone and blinked. Then he muttered something about me and my strange sleeping habits.

I narrowed my eyes and threw a pea at him.

It hit him in the corner of his eye and I passed him a sweet smile.

"Okay then." He said, picking up the pea and flicking it back at me. "I'm going to spend time with the girls before the others return. Wanna join in...?" He winked, and I rolled my eyes.

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