The Epilogue ~ Part 1

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Madrid City, Spain.
Early Autumn.

"Valencia!" I hear a voice from the kitchen. "Wake up!" I groan before shuffling out of bed. I put on my slippers and run a lazy hand through my hair. This is her 5th wake-up call.

"You yelled?" I make my way to the kitchen and kiss her on the cheek. She smiles as she sets the table.

"Just thought you needed breakfast. It's already 4 and you know you promised Mason you would take him out today."

It was already 4?!

Oh yeah, I was up all night studying.

I sigh. "Where is he?"

"Sleeping in my room." She says. She looks a lot better nowadays. She's gained a little weight and her skin is a lot healthier. "Let him sleep. Poor guy awoke at dawn and wouldn't go back to sleep until ten."

I chuckle. That was Mason alright.

I bite into a piece of toast. "What's on the agenda today?" I mumble.

Ha. Breakfast at 4. Completely normal in this house.

She rolls her eyes. "I have some bills to pay, oh and I have to go grocery shopping." She frowns. "I don't suppose you and Mason could join me?"

"Nope." I say, popping the 'P'. "We'll be at the park." I gulp down the last of my orange juice before helping her clear up the table. I saunter to my room and make the beds before changing and debating whether or not to have a shower.

Nah, I had one last night. Screw it.

The only thing left was to wake up Mason.

I hop into the room that was just besides mine and twist the doorknob open. Mason is sleeping on the bed, a little bundle of cuteness and joy.

Dani would have loved him.

I gulp and plastering a smile on my face, walk up to him. I shake him lightly by the shoulder. "Hi, baby." I gush.

Mason opens his eyes sleepily. "Grandma?" he says, still delirious.

"Nope. Try again." I smile as I lift him up into my arms. He has a mass of dark hair- Gabriella insisted on shortening it, but I declined because it was just so adorable- and bright eyes and seemed to shine.

He grins, biting into his little fist. "Hi." He greets, trying to sound like a grownup.

"Hey." I reply and kiss him on the cheek. I carry him into the living room.

"Are you hungry?" I ask.

"Chocolate!" he laughs.

"I don't think so." I shake my head. That two-year-old ate way too much candy. Gabriella and Nate spoiled him too much.

"But mommy always lets me have chocolate." He pouted.

Like I said. I blamed you, Gabriella, if Mason grows up to have cavities and diabetes and all sorts of nasty diseases.

"How about chocolate cereal?" I offer.

"Okay." He sighs. He looks around. "Where's Grandma?"

"She went out." I answer.

"When are mommy and daddy coming back?" he asks next.

I place the bowl of sodden cereal and milk in front of him and strap him properly to the chair.

"Two days." I answer. Gabriella and Nate had gone to visit Gabriella's parents in California, which was one of the reasons Mason was staying with me and Amelia down in our apartment, and not upstairs.

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