46 | The Game's End

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Everybody eyes shifted away, like watching them was getting too awkward. It was, to be honest.

I was angry. With my hands clenched, I stormed over to them. "What the hell?!" I yelled.

Catherine's eyes widened, and Kevin scratched the back of his neck as his eyes lowered to the ground.

"It's not what it looks like!" she said in desperation. "It was a dare!"

Oh. I crossed my arms and tilted my head. "Who would dare you to do that?"

Catherine bit her lip.

Kevin made a face and pointed to Kelly.

Right. Who else?

The female dog had a smug-smile on her face. It was hard to believe she had been the evil best friend once, when she acted like the evil queen herself.

"This game is getting out of hand." Said Eli. "I'm taking Alecia back to her mom."

I walked over to him. "I'm coming with you." I said.

He nodded.

"Wait for me!" Claire cried from behind us. "I don't wanna be stuck with the bitches and the male slut!"

"The male slut? Who..." I started, then clamped my mouth shut as my eyes landed on Liam, who was furiously making out with Natasha on the other side of the fire.

"Ouch." Eli said, bumping Claire's shoulder with his. "Jealous?"

Claire threw him a murderous glare. "When pigs fly."

Eli snickered and grabbed onto Alecia's hand, guiding her towards the street that was currently devoid of any cars.

"How about ice-cream?" he asked.

"Ice-cream!" Alecia squealed, jumping and tugging on his hand. "Please! Please! Pleaaseee!"

"Let's go for ice-cream." I chuckled.

There was a shop about seven minutes away, and that's where Claire, Eli, Alecia and I went.

It was like a 90s era diner, with its red and white polka-dotted walls and round tables that held red napkins and tall glasses that the ice-cream was served in.

Alecia and Claire ordered strawberry whilst Eli wanted marshmallow and me, chocolate of course. We sat with our ice-cream in hands on a table at the right. The diner was mostly empty except for a couple and their three kids, and two other teenagers.

My thoughts drifted to Dani. I hated the fact that I had fought with him, but over something that I didn't find so stupid. I mean, when was he going to realize that his actions had consequences?

Consequences that were going to hurt him in the end.

"You look sad." Eli pouted. Claire put down her spoon and stared at me.

"Has something to do with Dani." She said to him. "She was fine before."

"Guys." I said, shoving my chocolaty-goodness filled spoon inside my mouth and licking it clean. "I'm fine."

Eli's shoulders raised a little. "You and Dani are so cute together." He said in a mushy voice.

"I agree." Claire smirked.

"I mean, imagine your babies." He said. I glanced at Alecia who, thankfully, was lost in her ice-cream. I unfolded a napkin and placed it on her lap so she wouldn't make a mess on her clothes.

"Eli." I warned.

"Kissy Kissy." He said and smacked his lips.

"Gross, Eli!" said Claire, flicking an M&M at him. He caught it in his mouth and grinned.

"Seriously though, Cia." He continued. "What's wrong?"

"We had an argument." I sighed, finding no reason to keep it from them. I placed my arms on the table and leaned in. "What do I do?"

"Whose fault was it?" asked Claire.

"Mine." I decided. As much as I hated him smoking, I shouldn't have acted like his mother. Hell, I don't think even his mother was this uptight.

"Apologize." Said Claire. "Forgive, forget and move on. You two deserve this."

I smiled at her words and nudged her shoulder softly. "When did you become so romantic?"

"When she fell for Liam." Eli snickered.

"Elliot King!" Claire banged her fists on the table. "One more stupid word out of your goddamned mouth and I'm gonna throw the rest of this," she motioned to her ice-cream. "On that hair of yours."

"Don't mess with the hair." Eli whined. "And Claire, how long are you gonna keep denying it?"

"Until he's man enough to tell me how he feels!" she yelled, then instantly covered her mouth. Her shoulders sagged and she sighed.

"You guys know I'm not the type of girl to settle down with some guy, right?"

"Honey," Eli put an arm around her shoulder. "If you really like him, then Liam's not just some guy."

She pushed his arm away. "I hate you for being so dang smart." She got up having finished her ice-cream. "Seriously, you look like you have a brain the size of a peanut."

She walked out, leaving Eli open-mouthed. Alecia giggled. "Close your mouth." She said in her adorable voice. "A fly could enter."

Eli gasped. "She did not just call me dumb." He said.

"I think she did." I said. Alecia put her napkin on the table and hopped off her seat. I got up too.

It was time to go back to the hotel.

Our fourth day here ended in a haze. Eli dropped Alecia in her room then went to his, kissing me on the cheek as he said goodbye and wished me good luck.

I decided to talk to Dani. Since I had a clear view of the beach from my room, I ran towards the window and looked down finding everybody except Dani.

Just my luck.

I made my way to his room across the hallway and turned the knob, finding it locked from the outside.


Should I wait until tomorrow morning?

I was just about to go back to my room when I heard footsteps climbing up the stairs and all of a sudden, Dani walked over to where I was standing.

"I'm sorry." We both said at the same time.

Dani grinned, biting his lip. Why did he look so sexy doing that? It really wasn't fair.

"You go first." I smiled.

"I'm sorry for snapping at you." He mumbled as his arms snaked around my waist. He pulled me close and used his right hand to tuck a stray lock of hair behind my ear. "I know you were only looking out for me."

"That I was." I said, locking my hands behind his neck.

"Am I forgiven?" he asked.

"Depends." I said.

He leaned in and pecked me on the lips. "On what?"

"If you still like me or not."

A smile tugged at the corner of his lips. "I never stopped."

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