52 | The Brother and His Hyperactive Girlfriend

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It was almost six when Dani woke up. Or rather, I woke him up.

"Dani!" I not-so-gently shook his shoulder. "Wake up!"

He groaned, opening his eyes slowly. Did I mention he looked hot? He totally rocked the whole messy hair look. "What's wrong?" He grumbled.

"I'm bored." I said innocently, settling under the covers alongside him.

"Really, Val?" he sighed. "You woke me just for that?"

"Yup." I said. "So what's your plan for the rest of the day?"

His eyes glanced at the clock hanging across his bed. I noticed his room was really messy. Typical guy room.

"I don't know." He ran a hand through his hair as he stifled a yawn. "Maybe you, Nate and I can go for dinner once he arrives. I hope you like him."

"Of course I will. At least, I'm pretty sure I will..." I trailed.

"He's a great guy." Said Dani, kissing my shoulder.

"That tickles." I laughed, slowly pushing him away. "Stop."

An evil grin spread on his face. "You didn't tell me you were ticklish."

"Never came up in conversation." I mused. His hands were suddenly on my waist, tickling and tormenting me at the same time.

I burst into a fit of giggles, and tried to get him to stop. In one swing, he was on top of me as he continued the assault.

"Dani... stop...!" I was still laughing and was unable to breathe properly.

"What's the magic word?" he asked.


He placed his finger on my lips and leaned in. "You have a really dirty mouth, don't you, querida?"

I rolled my eyes and struggled underneath him. "Get off me!"


"Daniel Price, I swear if you don't get off me right now, I will personally-" Dani cut me off by leaning in to me further and pressing his lips on mine.

I stopped struggling and wrapped my arms around his neck when he deepened the kiss. It wasn't one of those soft kisses. This one was full of need and urgency, like Dani was trying to convey something without his words.

Our bodies were pressed together and I could faintly hear his heart thudding in his chest, just as erratically as mine.

His right hand settled in my hair, and his left on my waist. I pulled his lower lip in between mine and heard him faintly groan.

"I'm home!" cried a voice and the door opened gently.

I looked at Dani, my eyes wide. He got off me and climbed out of bed, smoothening his hair with one hand.

I followed him to the living room.

"Hey, lil' bro!" Nathaniel grinned and walked over to hug Dani, before he noticed our disheveled appearances.

A smirk broke out on his face. "Hope I wasn't interrupting anything."

Dani glared at him. "Hi, I'm Nathaniel." He winked at me, extending his hand. I shook it firmly. "You can call me Nate." In many ways, Nate looked like Dani. Only older. They were both tall, very handsome. One thing I realized was that Nate's hair was a lighter shade's than Dani, and Nate didn't have the same soulful grey eyes.

"You must be Valencia." He said. "It's great to finally meet you."

"You too." I answered. I glanced at the paper bag in his left hand.

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