Not an Update

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Hey, sorry that this isn't an update. But i had a really funny story, so here goes.

So, just now, I was sitting with my two youngest bros in our living room, and i was showing one of them the video of Mikey falling down during "Cemetery Drive" while Gee was singing "Way down" (It's above if you don't know or wanna watch it anyway. LOL, poor Mikey. And Frankie and Gee just come over and play with him!) So, I mention Frerard, and normally I don't bc my brother's are young and don't really get shipping and I don't want them to know about all of that crazy stuff just yet, and one of them asked me what Frerard was, so I just said, "It's nothing dont ask" (even though it totally is!) and so he went and said, "It means falling gerard, right?" and I'm just like 'Yeah, sure, that works.' and then my youngest brother said, "I don't even wanna ask." and I just said, "You know what, yeah, Frerard means falling gerard." and they seemed ok with that. So, moral of this story, my siblings are insane, and don't seem to know that there is no "r" in the word "Falling". 

Well, that's it. I'll probably update this in a little while. I have to have it done by the 31st, which is in like 9 days, and so I'm like working on overtime. Please, remember to read, comment, and/or vote for this story and my other story "Black Roses". See you later!

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