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WARNING: THIS CHAPTER MAY BE TRIGGERING TO SOME PEOPLE! (I'll put a notice at the beginning and end of the scene, if you do skip the scene, it's ok, bc what happened will be mentioned later on, but if you don't want the details, it's ok to skip. Thanks!)

{Gerard's POV}

       I was sitting in Study hall on Friday, last class of the day. It was really boring. For one, it was one of the only classes that none of my friends were in. I was all alone in this class. So, of course, I sat in the back of my class. I did that, really, in every class, but especially in science. Bert was in this class, though, and the only thing keeping me from sitting next to him was the assigned seats the teacher gave out, making him sit closer to the front of the class next to this kid named Andy. Andy was pretty cool. we didn't talk a lot, but he didn't hate me. He dressed like me, and he liked the same kind of music. He had long, black hair, and he wore eyeliner too. I kind of felt bad that Bert had to sit next to him, because apparently Bert liked to pick on people like Andy, which I felt was kind of ridiculous because Bert used to be like us. But, I should be the one to know that Bert was not the person he used to be. He had changed so much since the day I met him. It always seemed to me that I was losing a little bit more of him every single day. As I sat in my desk, I drifted into my own thoughts, remembering a time, which seemed like centuries ago, where Bert was actually really nice. I remembered the day we met, where he came up to me in the school yard and complimented me on my Misfits T-shirt. We got talking about music and stuff. He was so funny. I remembered our first date, when he took me out to a local Italian restaurant. We sat and ate, telling each other all about our lives, our hopes and dreams. The two of us were hopelessly in love. He was the best thing that had ever happened to me.

      That was when my thoughts turned dark. I remembered the first night Bert ever came home drunk. He stumbled into our house, slamming the door. I had been sitting on the couch, watching a movie and waiting for him to come home. I looked up and saw him, and smiled. "Hey, baby. How was your day?" I asked, moving to give him a hug. He smirked and started laughing. I noticed he was swaying a little, and I started getting suspicious. "Bert, honey, where have you been? Did you go drinking? How much did you drink?" I asked, moving a bit closer. That was a mistake. He lashed out and grabbed my shirt collar, pulling me close to him. I gasped, my eyes wide. "Would you just mind your business, for Christ's sake?! Just, leave me alone!" he yelled, shaking me slightly. He let go of my shirt quickly, dropping me to the floor. I pulled myself up and followed him into our room, where he had sat down on the bed and started taking off his shoes. "Bert, honey, please. Let me just run you a shower, and then you can go to sleep, and we'll talk in the morning." I pleaded with him. "Didn't you hear me? I want to be left alone. Get out!" He jumped up and swung his fist, which connected to the left side of my face. The force of the punch threw me against the door. I stared at him in shock, then just decided to go sleep in the living room. I grabbed some pajama pants and my pillow, then left the room, closing the door behind me. I went out and set my stuff on the couch, lay down, and started crying. I couldn't believe Bert would do and say all of those horrible things, I couldn't believe he would ever hurt me.

     And I didn't. I stayed with him for so long, and for what? To be hit and yelled at all that time. I gave him all of my love. He was my everything, and he just used me as a punching bag. I can't believe it took a visit to the hospital, almost dying, for me to realize how bad he really was. I couldn't believe I was so stupid! The bell rang. Everybody left, even the teacher. Mr. Burkheart had never really paid attention to anything in this class. I stood up from my seat, my books in my arms, and headed towards the door, only to be stopped by the very person I had been previously thinking about. "Hey, Gee! What do you say we hang out after school?" he asked. I gulped and looked him in the eye, shaking my head furiously. "Gee, you know I know you talk now. Use your words." he said in a deep, threatening voice. That seemed ironic. I guess he hadn't heard about the accident. Though, I guess a lot of people didn't pay too much attention to the fact that I had temporarily lost my vocal ability, because why would they? I didn't talk to anybody here on a regular basis, so why would they be concerned if I lost my ability to do so. It wouldn't change anything in their minds. "Come on, Gee. Talk to me. Do you want to hang out after school?" he asked again, in a sweet and terrifying tone. "I-I-I...N-No." I gasped. He smirked and shook his head. "That is where you're wrong, Gee, baby. See, if you don't come with me, I may just have to give your dear Frankie a taste of what you went through all those years ago. Wouldn't want that, now would we?" he asked deviously. Oh my God, he was threatening me?! And with Frank's safety, no less. I didn't want to be with him, but I couldn't let him hurt Frankie. This was my problem to deal with, not Frank's.

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