Through it All

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Picture above: *Frankie accidently starts spilling Frerard secrets*

Gerard: *mentally screams* Frankie, shut up! They don't know anything!

Frankie: What?

Sorry, I had to.

{Gerard's POV}-I originally had it in mine and accidently wrote the first paragraph and a half in Gerard's before I realized, so I just put it in Gee's.

         "Everything is going to be fine, Gerard. You look absolutely amazing, and Frank will be happy. Trust me." Mikey said. He was my best man. I heard Frank chose Ray to be his. We decided on a nice cabin near us that did weddings. "I know, Mikes, but still...I'm getting married today. And not that I don't love Frank, but the thought of being up there with him makes me nervous. What if I mess something up, or freeze, or...." I could feel my chest tighten, my hands shaking. "Hey! Gee! Look at me! Gee, hey, relax! Breathe!" Mikey said in a calming voice, pulling me into a hug and running his fingers through his hair. Finally, I let out a slow, shaky breath and pulled away, smiling at Mikey as I got my breathing back to normal. "Thanks, Mikes. You're the best brother, and best man, a guy can ask for. I love you." I said, giving him another hug. "Aww, thanks, Gee. I love you, too. Now, you ready to do this?" he asked, smiling. I took a deep breath and nodded. "Let's do this." I said. I stood up and followed Mikey out of the room, and towards the door that lead into the cabin. "Frank is just beyond that door." Mikey said, looking at me with a smile. "I'm ready." I replied. "Well then, let's do this, Gerard Iero-Way." he said. I laughed and watched as he went in first. Mikey was supposed to come first, and then once I heard, "Here Comes the Bride", I would start coming in. 

        I jumped as I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned to see my mom smiling, small tears forming in the corners of her eyes. "Aww, mom, don't cry." I said, giving her a hug. "I can't help it. You just look so nice, baby, and you're getting married today. I'm happy." Donna said. "Me too. This is all just...amazing!" I breathed, taking another deep breath and letting it out as I heard the song begin to play. "Well, here we go." Donna said, holding out her elbow for me to take. I laughed and linked my elbow with hers before the door opened for us and we began our slow, steady walk up the aisle. Frank and I looked into each other's eyes at the same moment, as if by magic. Finally, I reached the end of the aisle. I turned and gave my mom a kiss before she sat down and I stood on the little platform with Mikey, Ray, Frank, and the minister. The piano music stopped and everyone took their seats and quieted down. "Welcome, everyone, to this celebration of Gerard Way and Frank Iero's love for each other. The two have asked for a simple, short ceremony, and have asked that we skip right to the vows. So, who wants to begin?" he asked us. Frankie cleared his throat and looked into my eyes. "I met you after you helped protect me from a bully my first day of high school, in a new high school. Since that day, I have cherished every second I have spent with you, knowing very well that any moment could be your last. I love you, Gerard, so much that...words cannot even describe it. You picked me up from the bottom of the river, and brought me to the top of the world. You are my world, Gerard Way." he said. I was almost in tears. It was my turn.

      "The day I protected you from Bert was the best day of my life. I met you, and I finally felt like I had something to live for. I put you through a lot of really hard times, even almost taking my own life, and you still stuck by me through it all. And so, Frankie, this if for you. For us." I said, turning behind me as Mikey handed me a microphone. I looked to the piano guy, who nodded, and began playing. 

"I saw the storm, felt the wind begin to change.

I saw the sky rip wide open.

I looked away, hid my face from the world,

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