Falling Apart

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{Frank's POV}

It had been almost six months, and I was still staying at Bob's house. His mom told me over and over again that she didn't mind having me, that she would much rather have me stay with them instead of with my father, but it still made me feel horrible. I was invading their space, invading their lives.

Bob and I were sitting in the living room, watching TV, when his mom entered from the kitchen. "Bob, honey, I need to go to the store and pick up a few things for dinner. Do either one of you want to go with me?" she asked. "I want to stay here." Bob said. I awkwardly glanced up. "I'll stay here, too." I said. She smiled and said, "Okay. I'll be back soon. Try and have some more fun than this." She laughed, gesturing to the tv. "Yeah, okay, Mom. Love ya!" Bob said, turning the volume up a little. Mrs. Bryar gave me a "good luck" look before heading out the door.
After sitting their for a few minutes, my phone buzzed in my pocket. I took a look at the screen, and froze. It was a private number, but I knew who it was. "I know where you are. Meet me at the old gas station on Keller Street at 3:45. Say anything, and your little boyfriend dies." "Frankie?! FRANK!" Bob yelling snapped me out of my thoughts. "W-What?" I asked, confused. "I said, do you want to go to the mall? Are you okay?" He asked. I shook my head. "N-No, I feel kind of sick. I'm going to go to bed. Why don't you see if Ray wants to go to the mall with you?" I suggested. "Are you sure? If you're sick, I don't want to leave you here alone." He said. "No, I'll be fine, go ahead. I think I'll just go get some sleep." I said, trying to sound as sick as possible. "Alright. I'll see you later." He said, slipping his shoes on and walking out the door.
I stared at the phone again, and felt a tear prick in the corner of my eye. He had Gerard. How did he know about Gerard? I looked around the room, scared. Had he been watching me? I didn't have time to focus on that. I had to go save Gee. I was supposed to meet him at 2:45. It was 2:00. The old Gas station on Keller was about a half an hour away. Running to mine and Bob's room, I grabbed my jacket and pulled on my sneakers. I couldn't drive yet, but if I ran, I would get there by 2:30-2:35. I laced up my sneakers and went to exit the room, but stopped in the doorway, looking around the room.
I realized sadly that this may very well be the last time I see this room. This may be the last time I see Bob, or Ray, or Mikey. I noticed a pad of paper on Bob's desk. I found a pen in one of the drawers, and quickly scribbled a note. Smiling contently to myself, I ran quickly out the door, through the front door and down the sidewalk. I left at 2:10, and reached the gas station at 2:40. My phone buzzed in my pocket. Slowly pulling it out, I read the text on the screen- Go inside. The back door. I walked around the building and stopped at the back door. With a feeling of dread, I wrenched the door open, flakes of rust falling to the ground. The hallway was dark. I turned the flashlight on my phone on before entering the building.
The door slammed shut behind me, making me jump and drop my phone. It landed on the side the flashlight was on, instantly plunging me into darkness. I went to pick it up, when I was stopped by laughter. "Welcome home, Frankie. I've missed you." A dark, angry voice said. Something hit me in the head, and I hit the ground.

Hey! I'm alive! I know this isn't a lot, but I realized it's been almost a month since I updated, and I wanted to do something. I'll probably start working on a second chapter later today, which will hopefully be done and posted within the next couple of days. I'm sorry it's been so long, but thank you all for being patient with me. It's been a long couple of weeks.

Also, if you're a fan of emo/rock music, like MCR, go check out my new story, "Emo/Rock March Madness". Every two days, I'll post new challengers, and you can vote on who you want to advance to the next round. The first round is up, and voting ends tonight at 11:59, Eastern Standard Time. I will then post the second Round, so if you want to vote, you better hurry. And, please, if you can, spread the word about this event. The more participants, the more fun it will be for all of us!

Like I said, next chapter will be up soon. If you liked this chapter, please remember to vote/comment, let me know what you think! Thanks for reading! Later! 😉

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