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{Frank's POV}

I was really worked up. It was May, which meant Gerard would be going to college soon, and I would be left here for another three years while he was off at college. I didn't want to think about what life would be like without him, but the thoughts couldn't help but be present in my mind. I mean, we could always call, text, and video-chat, and he could always come and visit, but I didn't want to spend so long away from him. Donna and Donald gained custody of me after my dad was sent to prison. None of my family wanted me, and frankly (ha) I didn't really care. It's not like a really liked a whole lot of them.

"Frankie, what's wrong? You seem...distant." Gerard said, running his fingers through my hair as we laid on his couch. We'd been out of the hospital for two weeks. Ray had been release the other day with orders to take it easy. Mikey was over at his house with Bob, taking care of him, and making sure he didn't push himself. Gee and I decided to stay in and relax while his parents were at work. Donna would be home shortly, and Donald soon after her. "Nothing. Just thinking about some stuff. Don't worry about it." I replied, smiling up at him and snuggling closer to him. He was really warm, and I loved it. "What are you thinking about?" he asked. "Nothing important." I said. He hummed gently, and I looked up into his beautiful brown eyes. It was a tune I had never heard before. "Is that a new song I hear?" I asked playfully. "Maybe." he said with a smirk. "You should sing it to me." I said. "No, not right now. It's not done." he said. "Oh, come on. Give me a little bit of it. You obviously have something. You were humming something." I complained. He chuckled, hissing from his side. "You okay?" I asked. He nodded and massaged the area gently. "Still sore sometimes." he replied. I nodded, and moved his hand away, gently massaging his side. He smiled, gazing into my eyes. "I love you." he said. "I love you too." I replied.

The door flew open, making us both jump. Gerard cried out in pain as my hand accidently dug into his side. "Oh my God, I am so sorry! Are you okay?!" I asked, backing away a little. "Yeah. Yeah, I'm...I'm fine." he gasped. "Boys? What's wrong?" Donna asked, coming in with a few bags of groceries. "I was massaging his side, because it hurt, and you scared us when you came in, and I accidently pressed down on it." I explained. "Oh, I'm sorry. Gerard, honey, are you okay?" she asked, dropping the bags and helping him off the couch. "I'm fine, Mom." he answered. Donna lifted his shirt, inspecting the wound. "It's fine, Mom, really. Just hurts." He insisted. "Alright. Frankie, dear, can you help me take these bags into the kitchen?" she asked me. I nodded and took a few of the bags, following her into the kitchen, Gerard right behind me. "Are you guys going to be home for dinner, or are you planning on going somewhere? And do you know if Mikey will be home, or if he's eating at Ray's?" Donna asked. "I don't know about Mikey, but I know we were planning on staying in today. We're probably going to visit Ray tomorrow." Gerard answered. "Okay, so I have you two, myself, and your father for dinner. Gerard, can you text Mikey and see what he's doing?" she asked, pulling out the ingredients for the Vegetarian chili. I didn't mind that the others had meat around me, I just didn't eat it. They tried to eat vegetarian food more often for me, but unfortunately the world didn't have vegetarian everything, so it didn't happen all the time.

Gerard pulled out his phone as he got a text message. "Mikey said he's coming home around 6:30, and asked if Ray can come, too. Bob's mom needs him home." Gerard said. "Isn't Ray supposed to be taking it easy? I'm not sure driving is a good idea, and Mikey can't drive." Donna reminded him. "He said Bob will drop them off." Gerard argued. "Alright. So, you two, Mikey, Ray, me and your father. Six people. That's a lot of chili." Donna said, rolling her eyes and letting out a dramatic sigh, making me and Gerard smile. "Let's go back to the living room." I whined to Gerard, tugging on his sleeve like a child. He smiled and pressed his lips to mine. "Hey, get a room, you two!" Donna demanded, making us both break away from the kiss laughing. "Mom, really?!" Gerard asked, doubled over in pain and laughter. "I'm sorry, honey, but seriously. Get a room." Gerard rolled his eyes and lead me out into the living room.
      I gasped as Gerard pulled me onto the couch, laughing. As soon as I laid eyes on his face, I broke out laughing. Once we were done laughing, we sat back, just smiling at each other. "You are so amazing." He said. I could feel the blush creeping up to my cheeks. "Not really." I said shyly. He pressed his hand to my cheek, looking into my eyes. "You. Are. Amazing." He said, stressing each word. I smiled sadly, my previous thoughts returning. It was times like this I would miss when he was gone.
      "Frankie, what is it? What's wrong? Talk to me, please?" He asked. "N-Nothing." I lied, turning away as I felt tears beginning to form in my eyes. "Don't lie to me, Frank. Tell me." He said. I shook my head, refusing to look him in the eyes as tears fell down my cheeks. He turned me so I had no choice but to face him. "Why are you crying, baby?" He asked gently, wiping the tears from my face. "I just...I don't want to lose you. Ever." I said. "Frankie, honey, why would you ever lose me? I love you. I'll never leave you. Why would you think you'd lose me?" He asked. "I don't know. I mean, you're graduating next month, and..." he interrupted me with a sigh. "Frankie, that's what you're worried about?! Honey, just because I'm going to be going to college doesn't mean I'll be gone forever. I'll come back to see you whenever I can, and we'll talk every day. I will always be yours. Stop worrying." He said, pulling my closer and kissing my forehead gently. I nodded and apologized. "What are you apologizing for?" He asked. "For being so dumb. Of course you'd never leave me." I said, suddenly hating myself for even thinking like that. "Don't be sorry, Frankie. It's okay." He said, and started running his fingers through my hair.
        "Gee?" I asked, after a few minutes of silence. "Yeah?" He replied. "I love you." I answered. "I love you too, Frankie." He said.

Hello! I know, a lot of this is kind of generic and repetitive, but trust me, I have BIG plans for this. Things are about to get a whole lot more interesting.

Anyway, if you liked this chapter, please remember to vote and comment, let me know what you think. I'm going to try and update again soon, but I can't promise anything. Thanks for reading! Bye!

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