Chapter 1: In which a man gets lonely and destroys the multiverse.

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              Henry Green stood in front of the swirling gateway with a sense of hope. Something he had lacked over the last few years. Well other than while watching game shows and the like. He had a guilty pleasure that matched that of his grandmother, bless her heart. She was in Vegas right now enjoying the finer things in life, mistakes. Back onto our person of interest, searching for his person of interest, Henry stood in front of the gate. He knew that in the infinite amount of universes out there, there had to be one that his wife was currently alive and well. 

              While avoiding going through all of the unnecessary backstory to show this unrivaled marital devotion, we can surmise that he loved his wife. We can also gather that he was a complete genius. Or as what happens later proves, a complete and total idiot. Whichever he was leaning towards now, he was ready to step through the gateway. He breathed in, forgot to breath out, and stepped into the gate.

               If you wish to know, the universe that Henry was stepping into followed the same path as his own, except for a few matters. A. An old hermit back in the 1600's never reproduced. B. Henry's wife never had a high school relationship with a certain "man-whore" Steven Tyler. C. His wife never died of of an unknown S.T.D. that had remained dormant for about ten years, since high school. All of these are connected, you can put the pieces together. The reason is because the other Henry chose the time travel path a decided to go back and kill a certain woman before she stumbled upon a certain hermit's lawn.

               Shifting our focus to our universe destroyer, the deconstruction and reconstruction of atoms as they transferred through universes was more painful than planned. A lot more painful than he had planned. He "awoke" in a laboratory very similar to his own, white walls, cliche tools, just think like a B-movie. His plans were to kill Henry-2 and to, in a blaze of glory, grab his wife and take her back to his universe, or stay here, he couldn't decide. He was just thinking about his not very well though out plan when smarter Henry called out "who's there?" effectively spooking our Henry into a half jump half fall into a corner of a table. That hurt like the dickens.

               Here's the thing, either way Henry would have failed, just if he had been able to go through his own method, Perception, (I believe you got to talk to him earlier)would have found out and gotten involved. The hitting against a table however was too sudden and thus Perception never got word about universe hopping intellectual idiot until it was to late. Normally hitting the table or just touching would have done nothing. But the fact that Henry-1 felt pain, his nerves sent the signals and his brain registered it. This caused another brain from another universe to enter defensive mode, and brains being more powerful than you think, create a ripple. This metaphysical ripple bounced against the metaphysical walls of the universe, and once again nothing would have happened. That is if Henry-1 belonged in this universe. The fact that Henry did not belong there meant that the ripples that his brain created had a different pulse than the universes walls were tuned to stop. They broke and thus the ripples went on and on breaking down more walls until finally all walls between universes had fallen.

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