Chapter 4: In Which Jacob Trips and Gets Quite Lost.

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         Jacob was finding new things incredibly curious about these murders. Motives were all lost, the only kid they picked on was him (says more about them really) and while unloved by parents, they were not hated enough to kill. Maybe one of them could have done it, but they were all dead. He could tell that he probably was going to be the main suspect to he cops. This he had no time for. Knowing as much, he got a move on. A kid who couldn't talk would never be the most innocent position he could have. He was walking down the street when a bump o' convenience tripped him.

       Out of instinct he closed his eyes. For one moment the fall felt incredibly cold, the next he was on the ground. He stood and opened his mind. The sidewalk was a lot more un-sidewalky than he remembered. Which is odd since the sidewalk was always a bit crappy. But as it was still a sidewalk you can imagine his surprise when he opened his eyes and saw nothing. Just an endless desert. A couple seconds of observation and he was able to realize that it wasn't actually nothing. To the left the was a town, to the right there was another larger town, and in the middle there was black smoke and what sounded as thunder. He was in a battlefield.

      Deciding not to get involved he chose to walk to the town to the right. About 30 minutes later he arrived at the larger town and realized how small the other town would have to be since this one was mainly one small housing district and a market. He walked into the market and listened to them talking. After about two hours of conversations Jacob was able to gather the makeshift concepts of the language that they were speaking. What he gathered was the fact that they were in a war over water supplies. Two more hours later he figured out the written language. According to the books the cold war escalated to the point of huge tension, oil shortages caused things to escalate even more so. Things escalated to the point of world war 3, which only lasted an hour.

The world was decimated and now people were attempting to recreate civilization as they had known it. He decided that nothing of use could be found here and was just hoping for escape when he saw a scar in the air. At least that was what it looked like to him. He deducted that only something as outlandish as that could cause something as outlandish as this. Eager to learn what was going on he went through.

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