Chapter 5: In Which Jacob Gets Involved With The Wrong People.

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        Once again, Jacob felt a cold rush of wind. This time his eyes were kept open and he saw something he had never seen before. The light was brighter yet constant, there were colors that don't even exist in his universe (or any others for that matter) Blending and swirling they molded and un-molded. As Jacob moved through them he felt himself feeling oddly happy and satisfied. Then he noticed the end, an all white tear which stood out of the colored landscape like a sore thumb. Jacob went through the tear(Not to happy about it, I would like to note) and fell out into an alleyway of some huge buildings.

       Not too pleased about his sudden new location, Jacob decided to start taking in new information. The smell was quite unpleasant and, he deducted, a threat to his life if he could not get inside fast enough. That realization was enough to get him in gear and he began to run out of the alleyway. Coming out of a space between buildings he turned right, as he was running he made two more observations. The first was that due to the lack of people on the streets, the lack of doors and businesses, and the lack of fresh air, he mus be in a sort of dystopian future. The second combined with the first, seeing as he was the only one outside there must be a curfew of some sort. A curfew which he was breaking. This fact he thought to be confirmed when he saw police running in his direction.

        Them getting closer he realized they were not chasing him but rather a figure in a helmet. Said figure was about his height, though a little thinner, and was obviously in a rush to get out of there. They almost got away too, had it not been for Jacob standing in the middle of the sidewalk quite like an idiot. Next came the collision, they both tumbled to the ground and Jacob ended up hitting his head in the curve.

           He woke up in the middle of a dark room, through reasonable deductions he assumed that he had been confused as helmet-man's accomplice and had been arrested along with him. As his eyes adjusted to the light of the room he noticed another figure was in the room. "Nice going dickhead" the voice spoke, not caring for first impressions. The voice was feminine and soft, the same did not follow for the figure, who turned out to be a a woman of his age and height. She had hair that reached all the way to her waist and she had dyed it purple. If it weren't for the unmistakable fury in her face Jacob would have found her to be beautiful, instead he found that he might not live too long if he stayed here.

             Deciding that it would be in his best interests if he were to leave he decided to test something out. It had worked two previous times, so he had high hopes that it would work. He stood up and walked to what he perceived to be the middle of the room. "What the fuck are you doing weirdo" He decided that he didn't like this girl very much, so he chose to ignore her. Ready for his test he faced a wall and began to think only about leaving, how much he needed to leave. As if by magic a tear much like the one that appeared before, yet completely different, spawned right in front of him. "What the hell is that" Jacob could've heard the girl say if he wasn't completely ignoring her. He also could have noticed her her following him in, but he didn't, because that what was convenient for him. It would later prove to be the opposite. 

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