Trotting while riding

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August 22 2016 was the first time i ever trotted on espie. my trainer was running beside me just holding on to the lunge line and i we did probably ten steps of trot at a time. Espie's trot is awkward to post in the western saddle but i think it was just because i haven't done posting trot in my western saddle for two months now. i also no longer need to ground drive espie because she apparently doesn't need it anymore. the next step for her is properly lunging with me on her instead of my trainer walking on beside me. i am so excited because 4-H starts up again on September 12 2016 and i really wanted her a little bit less green for 4-H. she is still super green but is such a quick learner that i am almost positive by the end of the year i will be confident in riding her by myself with other riders because so far she has only been alone. but yeah she is catching on a lot quicker than i expected which i am so happy for especially because her training was stalled for two months before i could ride her and actually start really training her. she is really quite and has never tried to buck or kick or anything and has rarely spooked at anything.

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