2ft and triple bar oxers

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Sometime in August 2017
I forgot to write this when it happened,
I did a 2ft oxer and a triple bar oxer on two separate weeks but i am going to put both in one chapter.
I will start with the 2ft oxer because it came first. that day i had been jumping with another rider who was just learning how to jump two foot and i was working with getting lead changes over jumps. basically after the other girl i was riding with was done jumping my trainer set up a 2ft oxer and made me jump it, we cantered in on the left lead but trotted in on the right because she kept losing her lead.
The triple bar oxer i did the week after. the oxer's highest bar was about 2'6, we cantered into the jump off the left and right lead. (above is a photo of the triple bar oxer.) and what is really amusing is my mom take photos and videos of a lot of my lessons and that lesson she forgot her camera and we both went oh i doubt anything major will happen and then i got to the lesson and my instructor was like you're doing a triple bar oxer now yay. so my mom filmed it on her phone and put it on Instagram and then i screenshotted it from the video.
Holy it's been a long time since i uploaded anything, there is another two chapters coming soon probably another one today and one tomorrow.

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