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Where are you, girl in the shimmering blue dress? Rayne thought to himself, as he scanned the room full of socially sophisticated rich people attending the Mayor's Fundraiser Ball.

He remembered in the hologram of her back at the ISAA headquarters that she looked around his age, so she shouldn't be hard to find, considering most of the people at the Ball were adults and he was only 18.

He walked and waltzed around the room, hoping to catch a glimpse of her.

Suddenly the doors opened again. He turned around, awestruck by the person who had just entered the room.

It's her. It's the girl in the shimmering blue dress. Gosh she's even prettier in person. Rayne felt heat rising up to his cheeks. He felt as if his whole confidence was shaking, with someone as gorgeous as her in the room.

Snap out of it, Rayne Parker. You're supposed to be loyal to Bianca. The angelic side of him scolded him, Rayne nodded.

But there was also another side of him. The devilish side.

Hey Parker, why are you going after someone who doesn't like you back? Don't care about being loyal, she's not even your girlfriend. Go for the girl in the blue dress. Rayne laughed. For a devil, he sure did give good advice. But even with the good advice, he still felt a bit unsure of his next move.

But none the less, he still carried out his mission. He made his way over to the girl, with a smile as bright as the stars.

"Hello there,"

He started. The girl giggled.

"Smooth way of flirting with someone."

Rayne raised his eyebrows. He wasn't planning on flirting with her, he just wanted to say hi to her.

"I wasn't flirting with you."

The girl laughed again.

"Calm down tux, I was just joking."


"A nickname for you. Since you're in a tux. Honestly, I have never seen an 18 year old boy wearing a tux before."

Rayne narrowed his eyes at her.

"Wait how did you know I'm 18 years old?"

"Don't worry, I'm not some stalker. You just look like you're my age, so I just assumed you're 18 years old."

"Assumptions are not always good for you, you know?"

"Since when did you become my mum, tux?"

Rayne laughed.

"Chill, anyways,"

He paused, making her look at him with an odd look. He wasn't sure if he should tell her his real name or lie about it. But he decided that telling one innocent girl his name wouldn't hurt.

"The name's Parker. Rayne Parker."

The girl just stared at him for a minute, before she burst out laughing.

"Nice impression of James Bond right there, Parker. I'm Kendall. Kendall West."

"Kendall? Isn't that a boy's name?"

"Rayne? Isn't that a girl's name?"

Rayne laughed. She got back at him, and he was already starting to really like her.

"Touché, West. But anyways Kendall and Rayne are unisex names so it doesn't matter."

"Exactly, so why did you ask me if Kendall was a boy's name?"

"Just kidding, Kendall. Chill."

Kendall rolled her eyes at him. They both starting laughed again.

"Where do you go to school? I go to Starling High School."

Kendall raised her eyebrow at him.

"I just moved here from Hudson City. But yeah, I'm going to Starling High starting from tomorrow."

Rayne grinned from ear to ear, excited that his new friend was going to his school.

"Great! I can be your 'tour guide' and take you around the school."

Kendall smiled at him.

"That would be really nice of you, friend."

"Oh so we have reached the friend stage?"

Kendall gave him a small laugh and smile.

"Seems like it."

Rayne laughed, looking at his watch. 9:45 pm.

"I gotta go, see you tomorrow! Bye Kendall."

Kendall smiled at him again.

"Bye Rayne Parker."

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