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Rayne led Kendall to his favourite place in the whole school, the cafeteria.

"You love the cafeteria the most out of all the places in the school? Why?"

Kendall laughed, making him pout.

"Don't laugh, West. The cafeteria has food. So if there's food, I'm in."

"Gosh you sound like my brother."

"I'm very mature for my age I know."

Kendall burst out laughing uncontrollably, making Rayne raise his eyebrows.

"What's so funny?"

"My brother's only 5. Totally 'mature'."

Rayne's face flushed, but he laughed too, not letting the embarrassment be shown.

"Whatever West, what's your first period?"

"Literature with Mrs Maryanne."

"Ew, same. Mrs Maryanne is a horrible teacher, honestly. Can you skip first period? I'll help you come up with an excuse, teachers love me."

Kendall rolled her eyes for the hundred thousandth time.

"Very modest of you, Rayne. But if you really want me to stay and skip first period with a teacher that you say is horrible, then I will."

Rayne grinned, grabbing her by the hand.

"Great! Let's go explore around the school!"

♕ ♕ ♕ ♕

"Mr Parker. Why did you skip first period today? You know it's against the rules right? And it can result to detention."

As much as Rayne felt like rolling his eyes at Mrs Maryanne, he couldn't.

See Rayne and Kendall were just exploring the school when the second bell rang and they went to class only to find that Mrs Maryanee had not finished literature just yet.

"Sorry, Mrs Maryanne. I was helping Kendall here, she's new and she needed help to find her way around the school, so I thought might as well show her around at the same time."

Behind Rayne, Kendall was trying her best not to laugh at the white lie Rayne had just said.

"Alright, Mr Parker, as long as it won't happen again, you're not in trouble."

"It won't, I promise."

Rayne lied right through his teeth. This was like his tenth time getting away with skipping class. Mostly because the teachers all did not want to stay back an extra hour for detention.

"And you must be the new girl, Kendra, was it?"

Kendall was about to speak but Rayne spoke up for her.

"It's Kendall, Kendall West."

"Well aren't you two such a compatible pair."

Mrs Maryanne stated. Rayne and Kendall looked at each other with wide eyes.

"Mrs Maryanne, we are not a pair, we're a one and one."

Rayne replied.


Kendall backed him up.

"Go sit down, Rayne, while I introduce your friend here."

Rayne nodded, taking his seat next to Bianca.

"Hey, you know the new girl?"

Bianca asked him, raising an eyebrow.

"Huh? Oh yeah, we met yesterday. Long story."

Bianca bit her lip, keeping silent as Mrs Maryanne asked Kendall to introduce herself.

She looked a bit nervous, until Rayne decided lock eyes with her. Looking at Rayne directly, she gained back her confidence to speak again.

"Hi everyone, I'm Kendall West and I just moved here from Hudson City."

She seemed to be unsure of what to say next. Rayne felt sympathy for her, as she was being put on the spot to speak because of Mrs Maryanne.

"Uh Mrs Maryanne? Isn't your lesson supposed to be over already?"

Rayne asked, raising his hand.

"Yes Rayne, I know. Class dismissed!"

The students rushed to pack their things and get ready for their next lesson. In the midst of the rush and dust, Kendall and Rayne started to talk again.

"Saved by the bell huh."

"Saved by you, actually. There was no bell. Thanks."

Rayne gave her a small smile.


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