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He turned around, finding himself looking into the hazel eyes of Bianca Wells, who stood behind him with her arms crossed.

"Oh hey Bi."

"Rayne answer my question. What took you so long?"

"I uhh...found some stuff."

Bianca narrowed her eyes.

"Want to tell me about it?"

"Can we get back first? It's getting pretty dark and we were supposed to be back by sundown."

Her expression softened, as she grabbed his arm.

"Race you to the car."

Rayne rolled his eyes, laughing at her "cute attempt to win him at a race", as he liked to call it.

"You will lose, Wells."

♕ ♕ ♕ ♕

"So, Rayne, what was that mysterious thing you found that we had to wait until we got back just so you could tell us?"

Bianca asked, crossing her arms. Hunter turned around in his seat, his eyes darting from Rayne to Bianca and back to Rayne.

"Yeah, what she said."

Hunter added in, as Bianca shot him a look. Rayne sighed. He contemplated telling his best friends that Thompson was even more twisted than they would have ever imagined, that he was probably the real reason why his parents were dead in the first place, which made him angrier at him than he ever as before.

"I think Thompson may have been the reason why my parents are dead."

Rayne said, glumly, waiting for the reactions of his friends. Bianca gasped, whereas Hunter had opened his mouth to speak, but nothing seemed to come out.

"Screw him. Wait no that sounded wrong, but uh now we really need to kick his ass."

Hunter tried to lift the mood, but only managed to earn a weak smile from Rayne.

"I overheard them saying that what Thompson told me about my parents' deaths were not true. And then when I was rummaging through the mess of files on his table, I saw a file with my parents' names on it, and the date, 4th June 2006. The date before my parent's deaths. That's why I can't help but think that Thompson had something to do with my parent's deaths. And if he did, he is not going to get away with it."

Rayne said, standing up from his seat.

"Where are you going?"

Bianca asked, her eyes filled with concern and worry.

"Don't worry, I'm not going to do anything to myself."

Rayne replied, his anger taking control of his mind. All he wanted to do was make sure he got his revenge against Thompson. All he ever wanted to do was get Kendall back, and get out of this secret agent thing, back to his normal life. Was that too much to ask?


"I said I'm not going to do anything to myself. I'm fine. See you later."

He stated, his anger evident in his voice. He stomped off from the room, leaving Bianca and Hunter behind to worry out him.

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