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"Thompson. Please just don't hurt her. I'm the one you want to get your revenge against. Kill me. Not Kendall."

Thompson seemed to consider it for a split second, moving the knife slightly away from Kendall's neck.

"Rayne stop! Don't!"

Kendall shouted, but Thompson's henchmen covered her mouth to shut her up.

"That is true, Rayne. You are the only spy left in the Parker legacy. And your parents were the reason the love of my life died in my arms. So it would be right to kill you instead."

"Thompson look. I get that you're upset that Patricia-"

"Don't you dare say her name, Parker!"

Rayne took a deep breath, closing his eyes.

"She, died. But that doesn't mean you can just kill others for it. She was working for the opposition. She was one of the bad guys. Just like you are. I get that you're hurt and angry at my parents. But you already got your revenge against them. You already caused me to feel hurt. So what good would it do to you, to kill Kendall as well?"

He said, taking a step closer to the two. Thompson bit his lip, shaking his head as he glared at Rayne.

"Like I said, you are the last one left in your family's legacy of spies. I could just kill you right now, and stop this long lasting legacy, but no. I don't want you to die peacefully, I want you to die in hurt and torture. I may have already tortured you enough by killing your parents, but no. I want you to feel the pain of losing the love of your life. And if that means killing Kendall West, then I will do it."

"You're messed up, Thompson. Real messed up."

Hunter piped up from the back, earning a slap in the face by one of his henchmen.

Rayne blinked several times, clearing his vision as he stared at Kendall. She could free herself, if Rayne caused a distraction to Thompson and his guards. She waited for his signal, as he walked up to Thompson, punching him in the face.

With a loud bang, he fell to the ground, holding his face in pain.

"You just made a big mistake kid. Guards! After him!"

Kendall anytime now. He thought to himself, gritting his teeth. Seeing the numerous guards running towards him, he whipped out his watch, pointing the laser beams at every one of them. When that finally failed, he fought the old fashioned way. Duck, roll, kick and punch.

Kendall had much better luck than Rayne. With everyone's attention focused on the fight he was having, she managed to bite the henchman's arm to free herself from his grip.

"Hey Rayne, need a hand?"

She asked, kicking a henchman right where it hurt, as he fell to the ground.


Rayne stated, smiling as he punched away the last remaining henchman.

Together, they untied Bianca and Hunter and turned their attention back to Thompson.

"It's over, Thompson. You've lost, so surrender."

Rayne said, walking in front of the group towards Thompson, who had his head turned away from them.

"No, Rayne Parker. You've got it wrong. I never lose."

Thompson said, and with one swift turn, he stabbed Rayne, making him crumple to the ground in pain.

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