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That's what Rayne Parker described this ill-fated situation. The trio had less than a day to get Kendall back, and Rayne was not sure that they could. Bianca and Hunter were still vague on spy skills, after all they only got roped into doing this three days ago, and quite unfortunately, so was he.

Moreover, he was not even sure if the location Hunter had found was really where Thompson was. Hunter was definitely not a hacker. He was just your average brilliant mind, who could accomplish most of what he put his mind too. Hacking, well, was not one of his top skills.

And even Bianca, who, before three days ago had never really fought anyone, let alone use her gymnastics for combat. Heck, she had only ever used it to jump and cartwheel around in her cheerleading outfit.

But the fact that his friends had put their troubles and worries aside to try and help him out made Rayne think that there might be a chance of winning this 'war'. He was not going to give up, not when they were so close to getting Kendall back.

Rayne plastered a forceful smile on his face, trying to push aside his mixed emotions before they clouded his judgement and made him want to retreat and head back home like nothing ever happened. Worry and fear could make one do such horrible things.

However, he could not help but shake the feeling that something bad was going to happen. Something really, horrifyingly bad.

"And you are positive that they are in that warehouse?"

Bianca asked, tying her strawberry red hair into her signature look, a high ponytail.

"Yes Bi. I have said that for the millionth time already. That is definitely the place. Trust me, I know what I'm doing."

Hunter replied with a slight smirk, as Bianca rolled her eyes. She looked as if she wanted to argue but decided against it.

"This better be the place, Hunt. But why do bad guys always choose an abandoned warehouse for their meeting places? Can't they choose some nicer place like an open field? It's brighter and much better if you ask me."

Rayne remarked, sighing. Hunter stared at him as if he had a third eye.

"Yes Rayne, of course they could have chosen an open field, because they want to alert to the world that they are bad guys and that a secret agent association exists. But no, they chose the abandoned house because they hate sunlight."

He said, very sarcastically, much to Rayne's disdain.

"Hey there's no need for sarcasm, Hunter."

He replied, curling his lips in contempt.

"Boys, when you guys are done with your love banter, we should probably head in. We have an hour and a half left."

Bianca said, folding her arms as the two boys glared at her. They walked right past her and stopped at the warehouse door, leaving her behind to giggle slightly.

"This is it guys. The three musketeers, or two musketeers and one musketeeret-"

"Just get to the point, Hunter."

"Right. This is it. We're going to go inside, save Kendall and kick the ISAA and Mr Thompson where it hurts."

Hunter said, as Bianca and Rayne chuckled, opening the doors to find a dark, but echo-filled room when they had called out.

"There's no one here."

Rayne stated, turning to Hunter who shrugged.

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