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"Find a girl."

Rayne raised his eyebrow at Mr Thompson.

He didn't know if he was kidding or not, it was hard to tell with his long lasting scowling look on his face.

"Uh Mr Thompson, if you knew everything about me, you would know that I already like someone, a lot in fact. And I don't need to find someone else."

Thompson rolled his eyes, as he tried to pint-point a location using a satellite-computer.

"Gotcha. That's the girl you need to find."

He said, pointing at a girl in a beautiful silken blue dress.

"Why are we looking for her?"

Rayne found it a little harder to concentrate with the picture of the girl on the projector screen. Even though his heart was loyal to Bianca, he couldn't help but feel attracted to the girl on the projector screen.

"Because I need you to extract some valued information from her."


"You know Parker, you are one curious boy."

Mr Thompson stated, dialing a number on his phone.

"Who are you calling? Another secret agent? The CEO of ISAA?"

Rayne was getting excited to meet an experienced spy who might be able to answer his questions better than Mr Thompson.

"No, I'm calling the fashion designer. We're gonna get you some new clothes."

"Why exactly do I need to wear a tuxedo?"

Rayne asked, looking at the fashion designer and Mr Thompson with a questioning look.

"Because you are going under cover at the Mayor's Fundraiser Ball to find that girl we pint-pointed earlier."

"Okay, but you have not answered my question yet. Why the hell are we looking for her?"

Mr Thompson bit his lip, seeming to not have an answer, or at least a good one.

"Some things are just better kept in the dark, Rayne. Now before we send you to the Ball, there's a few things for you to know."

He gestured for Rayne to sit down on the couch in front of his desk. Next to the couch there was a table that had a note on it.

"I want you to follow the instructions on this note carefully. If you do, this mission will definitely be a success. If you don't,the world would be in deep trouble. Now good luck, Rayne Parker. Your first mission awaits you."

Without giving Rayne a breather or a chance to ask more questions, Mr Thompson gestured the guards at the front of the door to take Rayne downstairs.

When they reached the ground level, there was a black shiny limousine awaiting him. Rayne's eyes widened in shock.

"Is the limousine for me only?"

The guards nodded.

They don't talk much huh. He thought to himself.


He said to the guards, before making his way inside the limousine, letting the driver take him to his destination.

♕ ♕ ♕ ♕

Rayne studied the note carefully, not wanting to fail this mission.

Dear Rayne,

This mission is a very important one. Do it right, the world is safe. Do it wrong, we all die. But no pressure.

Now I need you to follow the following instructions carefully to get it right.

1. Find the girl in the shimmering blue dress.
2. Become her friend. Tell her your name, your school, and all.
3. Do not. I repeat, do not tell her about you being a secret agent.

That's all the instructions for now. Oh and remember, once you have to become her friend, the person she trusts the most here.

Good Luck !

Harrison Thompson :)

Rayne laughed. This mission was simple enough for him. After all, it was really easy for him to become friends with someone, thanks to his friendliness.

Maybe this isn't gonna be so bad after all, maybe it might actually be fun. He thought, as he smiled.

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