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R A Y N E    P A R K E R

[ 2 and 3/4 days left ; 66 hours ]

They worked separately in the same room, Hunter on the computer scanning for possible places they might be keeping Kendall in, Bianca practicing her gymnastic skills, and Rayne at the corner trying not to freak out.

There was that little part of him, the part of him that was pessimistic, that told him that 66 hours was not enough to find and free Kendall.

But Rayne knew pessimism was not going to get him anywhere, so instead he remained optimistic, silently hoping Hunter would be able to locate Kendall.

"It's no use. I can't. I can't hack into the satellite system to find her."

Hunter silently cursed himself, while Bianca and Rayne sighed.

"I need like some kind of...I don't know, a chip? Like something that can make it easier for us to gain access to the system."

Rayne's eyes widened in realization.

"The ISAA. Thompson said he was watching me and my every move. There must be a some satellite chip of some sort, or like a GPS that could track me down. What if we got hold of whatever it is they were using?"

"That would actually work. I can hack into the system and track down Kendall. But you must get hold of it first."

Hunter said, his words trailing off as he looked at Rayne worriedly.

"That means go into the ISAA headquarters and steal one of their top secret gadgets. Yeah, I know. But we can do this. We only have 66 hours left. We have to try."

Rayne said, glancing at Bianca who had remained silent throughout.

"I'll go with Rayne. Hunter you stay here and be like our 'eyes'. Rayne and I'll get the chip and get back here before sundown. Or at least, we'll try. Can't promise anything, right?"

Bianca stated as she bit her lip at her own words. Rayne and Hunter nodded, though Rayne had a worried look on his face.

"Ray? We will save Kendall. Don't worry."

Bianca tried to comfort him but he shook his head.

"It's not that. I mean it is that, but I'm not worried about that now. I mean I'm worried about Kendall but. The ISAA headquarters. It's surrounded by guards. How the hell are we even going to get in?"

Hunter smacked the table, giving them a sideways grin.

"Don't you worry your pretty little heads. Leave that to the computer genius."

Rayne and Bianca laughed in unison.

"All for one."

Bianca started.

"One for all."

Rayne and Hunter finished, as they three of them hi-fived each other.

A U T H O R ' S N O T E

I am so sorry for the slow updates, but I'll try and update checkmate faster next time. I'm busy at the moment with school work, and all, but I will try to get the next update in by maybe next week? Once again, I'm sorry !!

All the love,
rach xx

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