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"Hey, Rayner."

Bianca called out to Rayne, making him go back to reality.

"Oh hey, Bi."

She gave him a confused smile.

"What's the matter? Not happy to see me?"

"No it's not that. It's just ever since our talk yesterday, Kendall's been acting weird. And she hasn't talked to me all morning. I'm getting really worried."

"What did you guys talk about?"

"She asked me who's the person I like and I told her."

Bianca stared at him, laughing.

"Wow, are all boys seriously this dense? Rayner, has it ever occurred to you that Kendall might be feeling jealous? Or like whoever you said you like because you won't tell me, she isn't really Kendall's favourite person in the world, so maybe she thinks that you have really bad taste in girls if you like someone she doesn't like. Either that or she likes you."

It was now Rayne's turn to laugh.

"Yeah, not a chance that she likes me. And not a chance she hates the person I said I liked."

"Liked. You said liked. You don't like me anymore?"

Rayne's stood dead in his tracks.

"Wait. Bi, you knew? How? When?"

Bianca giggled at Rayne's reaction.

"I found out a long time ago. It's obvious that you like me. Whenever you're around me you act differently from when you're around other girls. And when you're with me you feel the need to go full on Parker Charm mode; jokes, charisma and sarcasm all in one."

Rayne's face flushed. Heat rose up to his cheeks, turning it a bright shade of red.

"You're okay with me liking you? You're not weirded out at all that your best friend likes you?"

"Nope, but for the record, I used to have a crush on you too. But you know I like someone else now. And you do too. Don't you?"

Rayne was confused once again. He likes someone else? What was Bianca talking about?


"Kendall. You like her. Don't you, Rayne. I've seen the way you are around her, even though it's been like three days since you guys meet. It's still enough for me to see how close you guys have gotten and how much you like her. Your eyes literally light up when she's around. And you don't just go full on Parker Charm mode with her, you go full on Rayne Parker mode. I know you like her, Rayne. You can't keep secrets from me."

Oh you have no idea. He thought to himself, taking in what Bianca had just said.

Maybe he did like Kendall. More than he liked Bianca. That would explain why he felt such storing emotions for her. Why he felt a strong connection to her.

"I think you're right, Bianca. I do like Kendall West."

Bianca smiled.

"Told you."

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