How you met

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A/N: this is in a AU where the killing events didn't happen also I'm not gonna do Yamada unless he's requested k bye. 😜
Makoto Naegi
You decide to go for a walk outside in the local park listening to music on  your iPod/iPhone when you bumped into someone making them fall on their butt. "OMG I'm sooooo sorry about that here let me help you up." You then see the person you knock down he's a boy your age with spiky brown hair with a prominent ahoge, hazel eyes and he was wearing a green hoodie with a read pattern,jeans and red converses. "No no it's fine" he said getting up "at least let me get you a drink or something there's a coffee shop near by" he shook his head " no I couldn't let you do that" you the pouted and grabbed his wrist and dragged him there "I want to otherwise I would feel bad" the boy chuckled "I'm Makoto Naegi by the way" "I'm (Y/N) (L/N) nice to meet you"

Byakuya Togami
You were walking round the library looking for books for your sick sister in hospital when you accidentally bumped into a tall blond guy "tch plebeian watch were your going" he saw the pile books in your hands "are you so illiterate that you need to read kids books?" You fought back tears this prick! He doesn't even know what your going through. You then stormed of and checked out the books with the elderly librarian "oh hello there (Y/N) dear these for your sister too? How's she recovering?" "Fine thanks I'll tell her you said hello." As you left Byakuya heard every thing the librarian said to you and felt like a right idiot.

Chihiro Fujisaki (A/N Chihiro dresses like a boy in this)
You were walking round a tech shop looking for a new laptop because you needed a new one. You rounded a aisle and saw a boy with light brown layered hair and green eyes you paid him no mind and looked at the laptop to his right it was very expensive   "h-h-hi d-do you l-like computers t-t-too?" You nodded and extended your hand for him to shake your hand "yes I do like computers but I can't buy any of these. Oh I'm (Y/N) by the way" he shook your hand his cheeks slightly pink "I'm C-c-Chihiro F-f-Fujisaki nice to m-m-meet you..." you smiled and talked with Chihiro a bit more before going home.

Kiyotaka Ishimaru
"Well done Kiyotaka" 'ugh' you thought this is the fourth time the teacher has praised Taka this lesson and you were getting sick of it. You needed to leave this class as soon as possible because you didn't want Hiyoko to pick on you because of what you wore.
The bell rang and you bolted out the door and down the corridor "(Y/N)! DON'T RUN IN THE CORRIDORS IT'S NOT WELCOME IN THE SCHOOL ENVIRONMENT!"
You turn around and stick your tongue out but then trip over you feet and feel your wrist hit the floor. "Ahhhh!owwwwwwww...." you sat on the floor clutching you wrist "(Y/N) are you okay?" You mumbled"I'm fine" getting up and trying to walk away form Taka "(Y/N) you need medical attention for you wrist let me take you to the medical office." You sighed "fine only since you offered" and you and Taka walked to the nurse's office.

Mondo Owada
"Come on (Y/N) I'm gonna be late get your butt down here!" Your brother Shiro shouted. "I'm coming!" Your brother snickered "that's what she said!" "I hate you. " "I know let's go." As you hopped onto Shiro's motorcycle and and drove to the mcDonald's as you entered you saw the Crazy Diamonds the biker gang you older brother was part of. "Hey Shiro,huh who's the chick?" A guy with Narwal hair (hehehehe XD) said.  "Oh hey Mondo this is my younger sister (Y/N) she wanted to join the gang." Mondo looked at you blushed ant looked away saying "yeah sure." You hugged Mondo and thanked him then hugged you brother.

Leon Kuwata
You decided to sit outside under the willow tree in your front garden when you heard screams and squeaks of "kya~Leon is sooooo coool"or "awah~ Leon-kun is soooo hot" you ignored the girls and played you guitar until you looked up and saw a red headed boy with a lot of piercings and a general punk rock appearance. "Hey I'm Leon Kuwata I moved in to the house over the road and I just wanted to introduce myself." You rolled your eyes and got up and grabbed your guitar "H-hey! Where are you going?" You looked back "inside cause your fan girls are giving me death glares" you walked up to your front door and turned around "(Y/N)" "Huh?" "My name,it's (Y/N)" and with that you went inside.

Yasuhiro Hagakure
You and your friend were at a autumn festival and you were eating caramel apples and your friend Aoi saw a tent and pulled you along to it and shoved you inside "hey you here to have your fortune told for just $3 I'm right 30% of the time so you have nothing to fear" a young man with a explosion of a hair style was sitting cross legged in front of you "y-yeah I guess" you mumbled. "Sweet, what's your name I'm Yasuhiro but everyone calls me Hiro." You sat in front of Hiro "I'm (Y/N) n-nice to m-meet you." Hiro grabbed you hand and began to read your palm. "Hmmm, hey can you close your eyes?" You closed your eyes and then something lightly touched your palm. "Hmmmm,something good will befall you soon and you will make a good friend soon." He said as he closed your hand into a fist. "R-really wow cool I can't wait to meet them." You thanked Hiro. only after you rejoined Aoi did you open your hand to see a piece of paper with a phone number on it with the name Hiro and a smiley face.

Ahhhhh done finally hope you guys enjoy this. Next up is the super danganronpa boys

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