When he confesses

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Yaaaaaaayyyy I can actually get to the damn romance portion of this scenarios book well cya~Luna 💜☺️ *strikes fabulous pose* oh and also most of these will be very cliché....so yeah bye!

Makoto Naegi
You were walking to your locker with Celestia when you opened the door and a a note on a pice of pink paper fluttered out "huh I wonder who it's from?" You wondered "maybe it's from a secret admirer..." Celestia commented the she smirked "or Makoto." You went bright red,yes you had a crush on him "what does the note say?" She asked " hmm, it says that someone wants to meet me under the big cherry tree out the back of the school (Yandere sim reference anyone? no ok...) after school." Celestia looked over my sholder at the note "hmm interesting" you looked at your best friend with a deadpan stare "of course you would find this interesting, Taeko." You only called Celestia by her ral name when you were annoyed or felt worried about something. she lightly chuckled "don't worry my dear (Y/N), it will be fine, probably." You gave her another dead pan glare and strode off to your next class.
~Time skip brought to you by the dark devas of destruction ~
You made your way to the cherry tree and sat under it as it was a nice day and you were a bit early to meet your mystery person. you put your hadphones in and listened to (Fav/Song). while you were jamming out to (F/S) you didn't notice a boy with messy brown hair and a ahoge sneak up on you. and tap you on the sholder after giving himself a mental pep talk. "H-H-Hi (Y/N), h-h-how are you?" you smiled at your friend forgeting you were waiting for someone. "hey Mako~ I'm fine, I'm just waiting for the guy that left this note in my locker." you show him the note Makoto's face went bright red. "gee, h-h-he must be a lucky guy..." then it finaly clicked in your head "wait Mako why are you here the only pople that know I would be here are Celestia and whoever left the note...Makoto did you leave the note?" your cheeks went pink his went redder and he nodded. "Yeah, I did I really love you (Y/N)....I totally understand if you dont love me back its just I can't stand the thought of you with another guy..*sigh* cya later (Y/N)" he got up and started walking away you came out of your daze and tightly grabed Makoto's wrist "w-wait Mako! I love you too..I hve for a while actually..." you were pretty sure your face resembled somthing like a tomato right now. "R-Really, then (N/N) will you go out with me?" you hugged him shouting yes over and over.

Byakuya Togami
You were sitting in a small,dusty corner of the library reading a 'The Walking Dead'  comic when you saw over the top of your comic you saw teen in a black suit staring at you. You ignored him until he was right in front of you "Hello, Plebeian what are you reading?" you showed him the front cover of the comic and went back to reading until Byakuya grabbed you wrist and dragged you to a room with lots of computers in it for printing. "(Y/N) I want to show you something." His cheeks where coated in an uncharacteristic blush as he spoke. He then fished a pice of paper out his jacket pocket and gave it to you. It said:
Dear (Y/N)
I really like you, I know I was a real prick when we first met but you changed me even people at school have noticed how much you effect me.. I love you so much and I would be honoured if you would be my girlfriend.
Sincerely Byakuya Togami
The note almost brought you to tears "B-Byakuya do you really mean this?" He looked you in the face "of course I do (Y/N) why would I, your amazing."(such 🧀 much wow) He smiled genuinely at you (*fangirling*) "your perfect, I love you don't let anyone tell you otherwise okay, Byakuya." His cheeks went read pink "d-don't say stuff like that.." you chuckled ant kissed his cheek.
A few moments later ....
"You didn't write the note yourself did you.."
"*sigh* no Makoto wrote it....."

Chihiro Fujisaki
You were talking to Alter Ego on Chihiro's laptop. Chihiro was typing up some sort of program on one of the other computers. "Say (Y/N) do you like anyone?" Alter Ego asked "huh? What do you mean?" You typed He smiled at you "Do you like any guys at school?" Your cheeks flailed red "w-well there is one guy I really like. He's really sweet and cares a lot about me and we spend a lot of time together.." Alter Ego nodded "I see, hey Master, I think that (Y/N) likes you too." Your cheeks went even redder because what Alter Ego said was true, you did like Chihiro a lot... "wha!....Alter Ego don't jump to conclusions (Y/N) could like any guy what she said doesn't mean she likes me." Chihiro said a adorable blush covering his cheeks (daw :3) he looked away the small boy walked over to you and hugged tightly and kissed your pink cheek "I love you (N/N)." You smiled at him "love ya too Chi~"

Kiyotaka Ishimaru
Taka was not a guy to beat around the bush when it came to telling someone what he thought of them but with you he was different he really liked you but the problem was is that he couldn't put his feelings into words. "Bro, you gotta tell her soon." Mondo said to him "I know, but *sigh* I don't know if she likes me back..." Mondo pinched the bridge of his nose everyone in school knew the liked each other except, them surprisingly. "Look bro, I'll help ya out." Taka smiled at his friend and thanked him and they devised a plan.
~timeu skipu brought to you by Hajime's OJ~
Mondo asked you to meet him on the roof after school and because your cousin you of course said yes. "Yo (Y/N) how are ya?" Mondo asked "I'm good, you?" He nodded "so (Y/N) ,say if  one of my closest friends really liked you..how would you feel?" You started to blush and instantly thought of Taka. "I-I guess I would be very happy." You were so lost in thought that you didn't notice Taka sneak up on you until he cleared his throat and you turned around "(Y/N) , I, ah, really like you w-will you be my girlfriend?" He held out single red rose "oh my, Taka yes!" You hugged him tightly not noticing Taka giving Mondo a thumbs up.

Mondo Owada
Mondo asked to met Shiro without (Y/N) to ask if it was okay if he could date his little sister "Yes it's fine but if  our break her heart I will kill you.." now here you were in the park after meeting with the gang Shiro had to go do something or other and left you without a ride so Mondo decided to take you home only making a quick detour to show you something "so what did you want to show me Mondo?" He turned back with bright red cheeks "u-u-u-um (Y/N), I er, dammit why is saying this so frickin' difficult!" He shouted "M-Mondo calm down! Just tell me!" "I LOVE YOU (Y/N) DAMMIT!" He shouted the turned and started walking away from you "W-W-Wait Mondo I-I love you to!" He stoped in his tracks and turned "W-W-What did you say?" You blushed and looked away "I love you Mondo Owada." He then glompped you in a massive hug and kissed your cheek.

Leon Kuwata
You were casually playing on your PSVita when you heard hammering at your front door you sighed inaudibly and grabbed the blunt knife and opened the door as the red head bolted in the shouts and screams of the fan girls soon died down when they saw you holding the knife instead they screamed and ran away. "Thanks for that (Y/N) I don't know what I would do without you." You hmmed in response and went back to he sofa you were sitting on "seriously I would probably be dead by now if it weren't for you." He smiled you blushed slightly "yeah, say Leon, do you want a drink of something?" He nodded and you got up and got a so(u)da (Lel) for him and handed it to him "Here." He smiled and thanked you. After a half an hour Leon spoke again "Hey, (Y/N), I really like you would you possibly think about being my girlfriend?" You smiled a real happy genuine smile that made Leon's heart skip a beat. "Of course Leon I like you too." You got up and hugged him and buried your face in his chest.

Yasuhiro Hagakure
You were chilling listening to some music on your phone at one in the morning when You got a text from Someone you unlocked your phone and the text was from Hiro
(Underlined is you italics is Hiro.)
Hey (Y/N) you still up?
Yeah sure Hiro what do you need? 😝
Um, I need help asking a girl out can you give me some tips, I'm kinda hopeless when it comes to women 😅
You felt your heart shatter you loved Hiro a lot and to hear that he didn't return your fellings saddened you a bit but you decided to be the bigger person and help your clueless friend out
Well what's she like?
Well she's cute, funny has the most amazing (H/C) hair and the most mesmerising (E/C) eyes...oh and her name is (Y/N)...
You reread the text a few times h-he liked you he really liked you! You decided to play along with his little game.
I'd say just be genuine and say it I doubt she would reject someone so charming (ohhhh~ reader~chan is flirty 😝)
Ok thanks.
(Y/N) will you go out with me?
YesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYes! 💜

Done! Phew that took a while any way  next is the SDR 2 confessions cya ~ Luna 👋🏻😝✌🏻️💜

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