You get back together 😋 (SDR 2)🙃

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Luna: oh by the way my new boyfriend scenarios book is out now!
Byakuya: wow shameless self promotion much?
Luna: yep! C :
Byakuya: *facepalms* *sighs*

Hajime Hinata
You were walking along the road to the park to meet Chiaki cause she wanted to give something to you "hey....(Y/N).....I was told by someone to give you.......I think.." the sleepy gamer girl said "oh okay thanks Chiaki." You saw that what Chiaki had handed you was a DVD looking box. You igned and walked home to play the DVD you saw that it was a video of your old boyfriend Hajime talking to the camera "hi, (Y/N) look I'm sorry we broke up I miss you like mad that girl,(F/N) she was lying to you because she was jealous of your relationship, I know this sounds shallow like it's my last ditch attempt at getting you back....and it is I can't stay in this town if you hate me, I don't want to bring you pain....with that said bye I'm leaving tonight at the train station near the cafe where I worked if you wanna come say goodbye you can my train leaves at 7:30....I love you..." the Video faded to black you checked your watch 7:10 you gasped and bolted out the door locking as you did so and sprinted all the way to the train station oh looked over every platform until you saw the spiky brown hair you loved. You sprinted towards him "HAJIME!!!!" You shouted he looked up from his phone. "Huh? (Y/N)? What are yo-" you then slapped him in the face "you stupid idiot! Why are you leaving? Do you not remember how sad I was that I thought you had a new girlfriend! How dare you say I don't love you!" You then crumpled to the floor in tears "*sniff* I m-missed you too, you d-don't need to leave I won't let you....ever" you mumbled you then felt someone pull you into a huge hug "I'm so sorry, (Y/N) let's go home...." you nodded and held your loving boyfriend's hand and walked back to your place and gave him a warm meal and for the first time since you both broke up you both had a good nights sleep.

Nagito Komaeda
You shyly knocked on Nagito's front door and waited, soon the pale boy opened the door "(Y-Y/N)? Hey how are you?" You looked at your boyfriend's face he had tear stains on his cheeks you couldn't take it you hugged him tightly "Nagito....I'm sorry for running away instead of helping you though 'it'....I'm a terrible girlfriend.." you squeezed him tighter he then wrapped his lanky arms around your waist "no it's not your fault, I should have warned you about how bad I get when I go off the deep end....I hurt you, and believe me that is the last thing I ever wanted to do to you, my caring loving Sweetheart of a girlfriend." Nagito then kissed the top of your head and offered you to come in and watch a movie with him. You of course accepted his request and spent the entire day snuggled up into Nagito watching cheesy movies and sharing light kisses.

Gundham Tanaka (Luna: bb yas wuv youuuuuuuu! 😍❤️😍)
You were petting your cat/dog,(P/N) (pet name) looking out your window of your bedroom "I miss the Devas, and Gundham...." you then herd some loud, but cute squeaking you walked out your room to try to find the source of the sound you then opened your back door and saw a small chubby orange hamster you knew rather well.."Cham-P? What are you doing here little guy?" You bent down to pick up the hamster. He then crawled up to the crook of your neck and sat there "Cham-P? What are you doing? Come on I need to take you back to Gundham.." you sighed and picked up the ball of orange fluff and looked him in the eyes "what am I gonna do...isn't Gundham with Sonia now it's going to be so awkward..." Cham-P then shook his head and pointed his little paw in the direction of Gundham's house "huh oh okay.." you walked to his house with the large hamster in your hand you knocked on the door and waited for the door to be opened "who dares knock on the door of the ruler of the underworld?!" He bellowed through the door "your ex Queen with one lost Invading Black Dragon.." you heard a gasp from the other side of the door "(Y/N)! You have Cham-P? Excellent! Kehehehehe...come in.." he then opened the door 'finally' you thought you handed the boy the hamster and looked around the place "so where's Sonia?" "Why would that fiend be with me?" "Cause your dating?" Gundham chuckled darkly ", she will never be my Dark Queen...only you hold such a high title to me..." you fought back a blush "I-I miss you (Y/N), p-please be my Dark Queen once again..." he looked you right in the eye you smiled at him and nodded and pulled him into a hug and kissed him fully on the lips "I love you my Dark King..." "And I you my Dark Queen.." (Luna: my heart is now unburdened I feel so free! Woooooop!)

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