When you break up :'( (SDR 2)

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Luna: Round 2 eghhhhhhh..........yay? I can destroy more people's hearts!

Hajime Hinata
You decided to go see Hajime at work before you went home but when you got to the small coffee shop you got a text from your friend (F/N) who you hadn't seen in a while: 'hey (Y/N) come to the Dream Bean Coffee Shop I want u to meet someone :P' you sighed and luckily she asked you to meet here in the café where Hajime worked "(Y/N)! Over here! This is Hajime Hinata my new boyfriend!" Your heart shattered (F/N) then proceeded to kiss Hajime on the lips....you felt tears well up in your eyes "ah...that's n-nice (F/N) I hope your both h-happy together..." you then left tears streaming down your face...

Nagito Komaeda(nooooooo my hope bagel bæ :'( )
Nagito had gone off the deep end after countless times of telling him he's not worthless since you both got together he finally broke. You walked in to his room in to see him sitting in the corner shaking and twitching "no one loves me I'm such a pointless waste of human life..I am truly a hopeless being...." he mumbled you crouched down and reached your hand out to him to touch his shoulder "Nagito your not not useless I love you you have a lot of hope your not hopeless and I will help you through this I promi-" *slap!!* you felt a stinging sensation on your cheek "SHUT UP YOU STUPID STUPID BI-.....(Y/N) oh my god..I'm so sorry (Y/N), S-Sweetheart..." Nagito tried to reach out for you to touch your cheek he hit you flinched away and shuffled backwards the got up and ran out of the room terrified that Nagito would hit you again "(Y/N)! Wait!" He shouted.

Gundham Tanaka (nuuuuuuuu! ❤️💔😩😫)
You were out walking the dogs for the animal shelter you got a text from Mahiru: 'hey (Y/N) your not gonna like this but I think Gundham is cheating on you with Sonia....' you texted back almost immediately "what there's no way....." 'here I have a picture I that Sonia took....on my camera she stole it......I'm sorry I had to be the one to tell you...'   you then saw the picture Mahiru sent it was of your boyfriend shirtless and asleep with Sonia under her arm looking up at him only in her bra..... you felt your world come crassing down you texted Gundham the picture and said 'I can't believe I loved and trusted you were through." You then walked home in tears..(Luna:I have nothing against Sonia x Gundham shippers I just thought it was a cool scenario sorry -_-,)

Kazuichi Souda
"Oooh ooooh~ (Y/N) I didn't tell you the best part Miss Sonia noticed that I had cleaned my jumpsuit!" You sighed "what like I told you to?" "Yeah! Miss Sonia was so pleased that I had some semblance of personal hygiene!" You had just had about enough of Kazuichi's ramblings about 'Miss Sonia' "oh and Miss So-" "SHUT THE EVERLASTING HELL UP ABOUT SONIA!" You shouted "WHY?" "WHENEVER YOU HANG OUT WITH ME EVEN WHEN WE WERN'T GOING OUT YOU WOULD ONLY TALK ABOUT SONIA AND I'M SICK OF PRETENDING THAT YOU CONSTANTLY TALKING ABOUT ANOTHER GIRL IS HURTING ME AND KILLING ME INSIDE!" You screamed Kazuichi recoiled but then furrowed his eyebrows in fury "IT'S KILLING YOU INSIDE?! YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT IT'S LIKE TO HAVE A GIRLFRIEND THATS A MASIVE SLATE OF EMO DEPRESSIVENESS WHEN THE MOST BEAUTIFUL GIRL IN THE WORLD IS WITHIN MY GRASP!" you felt tears sting in your eyes you were supposed to be the prettiest girl in Kazu's eyes but you weren't "if...t-that's how you feel then fine, I hope your relationship with Sonia goes well I'll see you never Souda-kun..." you turned around and left. The moment the door clicked closed Kazuichi dropped to his knees he didn't mean to say all of that he just wanted you to show some more loving emotions towards him when you were in public from day one when he first met you he only wanted you to be jealous of how much he 'admired' Sonia he didn't want this to happen he fell a waterfall of tears stream down his face as he whispered quietly "w-wait c-one back......don't leave me..." knowing full well you were long gone and it was all his fault...(Luna: not gonna lie I teared up a bit for the this one and the one before it.....)

Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu (warning ⚠️️ swearing)
"Hey (Y/N) wanna come to my place tonight we could have some fun~ Boss doesn't need to know~" Takashi, a member of the Kuzuryu clan, said seductively in your ear "ewww, gross Takashi get away from me!" "Aww come on (Y/N) just for one night~" you crossed your arms over your chest partly to hide it from his eyes which kept wandering down to that level and also to certify that you were going to stay loyal to Fuyuhiko then you noticed Fuyuhiko walking down the path towards you "Fuyuhi-!!" You then felt someone's lips pressed to yours but you knew the lips didn't belong to your baby faced boyfriend. "What the fu*k!" You herd him shout you tried to push Takashi of you but he had a firm vicelike grip on your waist and wasn't letting go you didn't kiss back and kept trying to pull away until he finally broke the kiss when Fuyuhiko walked up to you and slapped your cheek harshly "You fu*king cheating manipulating SL*TY WH*RE!" You couldn't take it couldn't he see you were trying to break free from the kiss? Was this what you get for being loyal and loving for days,weeks,months on end? Obviously not as Fuyuhiko was now shouting at you...and with that you ran off holding your cheek. Peko stepped out of the shadows, she had see everything she walked up to Fuyuhiko "Young Master, (Y/N) didn't cheat on you Takashi here forced a her to kiss he and was also coming onto her and trying to get her to cheat but she stayed loyal...loyal to you....and you just showed her where loyalty got her..." Fuyuhiko froze the he felt anger boil in him again but not at you never again should he be angry like this at you his anger was directed at himself and Takashi "You.....destroyed my relationship....you deserve the most brutal and painful death I can think of right now....but first (Luna: lemme take a selfie! Sorry *ahem* I ruined the moment didn't I?) I'm gonna go get my beautiful, kind loving girlfriend back.." and with that Fuyuhiko stalked back into his manor and thought up a plan to get you back whilst Peko beat up a very scared looking Takashi "that's what you get for sinking my ship and breaking up my OTP..." (Luna: yes Peko ships you two...)

Nekomaru Nidai
"COME ON (Y/N) YOU DON'T WANT TO BE SKINNY AND FRAIL FOREVER DO YOU??" Nekomaru shouted. Recently Nekomaru had been pushing you to do more exercise you sighed and turned away from your large burly boyfriend "I said no I'm happy with the way I am!" You felt like crying "I-If you care so much about something as vain as how I l-look I think you should look. For a new girlfriend..." you mumbled quietly then you raced up to your bedroom, locked the door and asked anyone who came near the door to go away....Nekomaru tried to apologise and get you to come out but you said until he excepted the fact that not all people want to or like being 'fit' you weren't coming out...defeated Nekomaru left...

Teruteru Hanamura (Luna: come on we were allllllll expecting this massive perv to cheat on reader chan -_-)
As you strolled down the street to the Hanamura dinner you heard that Mrs Hanamura was ill and you being the kind girl you were decided to go help Teruteru out in the kitchen in the dinner and let his mother rest. You snuck into the kitchen via the back door hoping to surprise Teruteru. Noooooooppppppeee.....instead you got a surprise you saw Teruteru standing in the kitchen groping another girls chest and butt....and say she was the prettiest girl on the planet. You then walked into the kitchen did up your hair (if short you did nothing) and got to cooking it took Teruteru 10 minutes to figure out you were in the kitchen "(Y-Y/N), Sugar I can e-explain.." "save it Hanamura, just get cooking the dinners are hungry and you, if you can cook then I won't be needed I have other things to do anyway..." you answered curtly "N-No I can't cook Teru was going to teach me~" she batted her eyelashes at Teruteru he gulped and made a neck chopping motion with his hand for her to stop. "Well looks like your lesson is today! Hanamura give my regards to your mother." And with that you stoped out the back door and walked all the way to your sister, Peko's house and broke down in front of her...

Izuru Kamakura
"(Y/N)..." your monotone, monochrome boyfriend asked "Yes? What is it Panda?" You peeked at him though his hair that obscured his face "you are now exceedingly boring to me I'm beating up with you." "What? Izu stop joking around..." you knew he wasn't joking around. Izuru never joked. "I'm not joking...your so dull to me now leave.." you then stood from the sofa in his small house he shared with Hajime and left without another word....he then called up his boss "I broke up with my girlfriend....no it was the hardest thing I've ever done......no I don't want a job with in you and your sister corporation Miss Ikusaba. Now if you'll excuse me I need to go get my Butterfly back.." as Izuru hung up the call he saw the picture of you asleep he took and used as his phone wallpaper he sighed and felt a damp sensation on his cheeks he felt them and realised he was crying...

Luna: ....*sobs a little*
Kotoko: Luna-chan?
Usami: hey what's wrong crying is bad!
Luna: it's just I'm dying on the inside is all....bye guys the next part will still be sad but da part after will be the best evar!!

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