When your on your period (SDR 2)

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Luna: Hoi guys I'm back!

Hajime Hinata
When the red demon appears you act completely normal.
"Hey Handsome how are you today?" You asked while smiling and hugging him "hey, Handsome can you come with me into town with me to get some things?" You asked and added a cute smile for good measure "s-sure Dear I don't mind you know that.." he smiled and caressed your cheek. You grabbed your bag and some money and left. Once you got to the store you went straight to the women's hygiene section "h-huh? What are we doing here?" Hajime asked "oh it's that time of the month again and I need to stock up...Handsome, could you go get me some pain killers please?" He nodded and awkwardly walked off you sighed and picked out some things and went to the till and payed for them and waited for Hajime by the door to the shop.

Nagito Komaeda
When he crimson death graces you with its presence you act like a little child.
"Awahhh Nagito~kun's hair is so fluffy! I love it!" You shouted as Nagito sighed for the umpteenth time that day "you've said this before.....Sweetheart" he sighed "oh I did? Ops oh well....lets watch some Disney movies" Nagito sweat dropped "yay..." he said without enthusiasm and with a sense of dread "seeeeee? Your gonna love them just wait and see!" You smiled and curled up into a blanket burrito this is the only thing that made putting up with your childish antics bearable it was the fact that you were so cute when you acted like this put a smile on Nagito's face as he played with your hair and spent his time paying no attention to the films playing but on you and you alone.

Gundham Tanaka (💜❤️✨😖😖😖)
When the red waterfall begins to fall (Luna: ewwwww) ahem...you act like a more dramatic version of Gundham....
"Hahahahahah! Fear me mortals for I am (Y/N) Empress of the darkness and the girlfriend of the Lord of the underworld Gundham Tanaka!" You monologued Gundham just looked at you like all his prayers had been answered "My Dark Queen what demons have possessed you?" He asked "ohhohohohoho! (Luna: oh god you almost became France form Hetalia with dat laugh!)You are not aware of what time of the month it is!" You said it took a few moments for Gundham to realise what the heck you had just said he then went very red "o-oh I see would you like me to hug you or rub your stomach?" You nodded and sat down on the sofa and pulled a blanket onto your lap and cuddled with Gundham for the rest of the day.

Kazuichi Souda
When the angel of stomach pains flys by (Luna: bruh stomach pains be the worst....)....as I was saying, Stop interrupting Luna! You have to worst pains ever!
"Mmmmmmm......Oreo......I wanna cuddle....." you mumbled in pain Kazuichi walked over and pulled you lovingly into his arms "c-can you rub my abdomen please?" You asked "sure Princess anything for you.....hey I've got a question.....how painful are period cramps? I mean I know from science class that you get them but how painful can they get?" (Luna: Kazu.......why? Kazuichi: I'm sorry I was just curious T-T) "T-They can get very *eep* painful..." you squeaked out in pain while tensing your stomach Kazuichi reacted immediately by hugging you tighter and running your abdomen in a circular motion "shhh it's okay Princess I'm here the pain will go away and I'll be here with all the cuddles you want shhhh..." he coddled you smiled through your pain and pressed yourself more into his side and into the cuddle "mmm, that's nice I wanna all the cuddles..." you mumbled he smiled a shark tooth grin "then you .shall receive, my Princess..." he smiled and hugged you and kissed your temple

Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu (warning ⚠️️ swearing)
When the devil comes a knocking you swear and curse like there's no tomorrow....have fun......
"FU*KING PERFECT THIS IS JUST GREAT MY FU*KING PERIOD HAS STARTED BRILLIANT!!" You screamed "whoa calm down (Y/N) your scaring people..." Fuyuhiko started to say "OH I'M SCARING PEOPLE?!? OHOHOHOHO! THATS BULLSH*T FUYUHIKO NOW COME HERE AND FU*KING TAKE CARE OF ME!" You screamed "okay okay jeez.... your scary when your like this...." you frowned at him "your damn right I am...." you mumbled and hugged his waist while collapsing onto the sofa and curling up like a cat.

Nekomaru Nidai
When the blood fountain runs free you are a excise machine.....(Luna: nope! #unrealistictoLuna~chan..... yea I'm gonna go with that) "woooo Akane, Nekomaru lets goooooo!" Your dopey cousin's eyes lit up "oooooh are we gonna go get food?" You turned around and smiled "nope! Were gonna go to the gym and do some exercise!" "Huh? But (N/N) we've done this so many times this week...can we just go eat instead..." you sighed "fiiiiiiinnnnneeeeee..." Akane first bumped "yes! I owe ya (N/N)" Nekomaru stayed silent the whole walk to the restaurant "hmm? Nekomaru you okay your unusually quiet..." "w-well it's just I've never seen you so happy to excise...why is that?" You smiled up at him "well it's because u-um I'm on my period..." you mumbled Nekomaru went a unruly shade of red "o-oh I s-see....well lets get some food now..." Nekomaru awkwardly changed the subject....lets just say things got awkward quickly every month this happened...

Teruteru Hanamura
When the Red Devil rocks up to the party you flirt.....a lot.....
"Oh Teru~ come here I wanna give you a present.." you flirted with your pervy boyfriend "h-huh? (Y/N) what's up with you your never this forward....oh is it that time of the month yet?" You nodded "ahahaha......I'm gonna go hide in my room now" he stated and walked off "owwwww Terrrrrruuuuu spend some time with meee you know you want to~" (Luna: I need a adult send aid! 😥 ) you purred "nope I'm off it's not as fun flirting with you if you flirt back or I don't get your classic flustered, cute reaction." He said you pouted and stomped of home. (Luna: no inspiration soz)

Izuru Kamakura
When the blood serpent slithers in you are VERY bipolar (Luna: I'm talking Alois Trancy form Black Butler levels of Bipolar...Izuru start running Izuru: why?....) "Izuru! Hi lets go do something fun" you called happily ".....ok..." he replied he was slightly scared of how overly happy you were but went along with it you then broke down in tears "*sniff* do you not want to *sniff* go out and something fun that is..." you cried Izuru was immediately at your side trying to comfort you "Butterfly...are you okay?.." you then flared up in anger "what does it look like!?" Izuru backed up a bit and looked confused first happy then sad now angry? You truly were interesting to him at least he decided to call his brother as he knew more about emotions and junk "hello?" "Hi....Hajime (Y/N) acting weird....can you help....she's being really bipolar..." Izuru said monotonously "well....I don't really know what to suggest except to deal with it for the next few days and be kind to her as well it's just her hormones acting up." Hajime suggested "okay...Thanks.." he disconnected from the call and looked at his now tired looking girlfriend "*cute yawn* hey Izzy can we just take a nap now I'm sleepy..." you said cutely and rubbed your eyes Izuru felt his cheeks heat up and he had to resist the urge to take a photo of you being this cute "sure.....I'll go get a blanket..." he mumbled "yay...I have the best boyfriend...." you said happily but sleepily you then lay down on the sofa and fell asleep in a curled up shape. Izuru then put his arms around your waist and the blanket over the both of you and kissed the top of your head you smiled in your sleep and shuffled backwards into Izuru's chest "sleep well....my Butterfly" he mumbled before falling asleep himself.

Luna: awe I'm proud of that last one it was so fluffy and cute! Anyways hi guys I'm back my holiday was great thanks for asking (I know you didn't I just wanted to say it was gud)
All Danganronpa characters: we missed you Luna! *bring out cake*
Luna: awwwwww guys thanks mmm cake! *face full of cake* byeeeeee!

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