Plan of Death

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I wake. My wound is covered in bandage and leaves. I look around. Astria sits beside me eating some dried berries. "You're up. You slept through the second night" She smiles. "I wanna finish the games Astria, together." I whisper. Astria nods. "Then we have to kill more people." As she says this a Cannon goes off. 8 tributes left. Most likely there is at least one more alliance in between the alive tributes.

I sit there. Astria brings all our Weapons. "I'll make a trap for two tributes to fall for." Astria has a thin "Go with it" smile. I nod. She takes a spear, rope, some meat she got and a lighter. "They'll grab for the meat, and get entangled in the rope. Then if they pull the rope, the spear will fall, and the lighter will catch the rope on fire." Astria explains. I nod. I'll make a trap that I learned back in District 12 from Charlie. I take rope, matches, and food. The person will grab for the food, and be caught in the rope. While they struggle, the match will start striking, and then that's the end for them.

As I make the trap I think. What is happening at home. Is my family OK? If only I could talk to Kal. Then there are trumpets. An announcement comes on. "You Tributes will be delivered current events right now. The rebellion, which I left because it's pointless, has burnt down 1/4 of the control building of the Hunger Games. Katniss Everdeen is being taken into custody of the Capitol for being a leader of the Rebellion. Districts 1, 5, 8 and 12 have caused up risings. This was a current news announcement." Elissa's voice says.

Astria frowns. "That's not good. Not good at all." I look up. "But we need to finish the games before we help them, with anything in general." She nods. I smile. "Thanks for understanding Astria" I back up. I finish my trap. "I'll go hang mine. We meet back here, at sundown. If you won't be able to make it, call out for me. And if I can't make it, I'll out for you." I grasp a hold on my trap, and Astria stands up. "Then I'll see you later." And she makes her way around the trees. I frown. My leg is still covered in Bandage and Leaves. I shake off the leaves and keep the bandage. I begin to walk, listening for voices to find where to set the trap.

"Shut up." A voice far enough away, they can't hear nor see me. I walk closer. "You might as well jump off the cliff and say you weren't killed by somebody, you we're killed by yourself." I set the trap when the voices are clear, and I can see the people. Four people. Together, no threats of death nor killing. "We're the only four alliance in the arena. If one of us dies, then we need to split up and start killing." One girl says. A boy nods. I recognize these people at once. Rich Cloa, Erix Noab, Elia Theah and Percy Evans. Only one girl in that Alliance. I think in my head of a list, while I set the trap up. I step on a branch. It breaks.

"What the hell was that?" Percy looks around. "Percy, shut up. There is nothing - never mind. Look food." Elia points at the trap. The rope is high above, so they don't see it. I back up, and slowly climb a nearby tree. I watch them. Elia, Percy and Rich grab for the food. Erix just laughs. "Savages." He smiles. Rich, and Elia get caught under the rope. Percy, manages to get away, but without the food. Rich and Elia starting pulling the ropes. The match strikes. The rope catches fire. I jump down from the tree, with a spear in my hand.

I take the spear head and touch the back of Percy's neck. He screams. I don't want to do it like I killed Fur. I want to get it over with. I take the spear back, and stab him the stomach all the way through. Elia and Rich scream in pain, as the get burned from the fire. Erix grasps what's going on, as Percy's Cannon goes off. Erix runs. I take the spear to Rich and Elia. "Water. Water. Water." Elia screams out. I unstrap the rope from them. Rich gasps in pain. He runs in the way of the force field. I hear him scream. "Erix! I though we were an Alliance!" "Not anymore Rich." I hear a loud splash. Erix either killed him and tossed the body in the river or, Rich jumped in, willing to drown.

Elia backs up from me. Cannon. Rich is dead. Now six tributes left. Four to kill, and two are here. Elia screeches in pain. "Let me do it myself. I want to be killed by my own choices. I will eat every berry around." I nod, and put my spear away. She'll have to eat some sort of posion berry, right? With that, I run back to the tree. Once I get there, I see Astria. She smiles. "Six left. Six dead." I nod. Astria holds out some food. "Toke it from the camp I set the trap in." I smile. "I killed one and the other either killed his self or was killed by a back-stabber allie." Astria nods. "Then let's stay out of the killing zone for a day or two.


Hey guys. So what I'm going to do with the book now, is make it like, three days past, and no Cannons have gone off. Basically what I'm doing is ending their suffering in the games quicker then many of you may have thought. After the games, Astria and Jewel will join the rebellion in a more hardcore way. 

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