Chapter 10

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AUTHORS NOTE : ( Chapter 10 below but PLEASEEE READ ! )

MILD DISCRETION (cruising&rape) so WARNING if you don't feel comfortable with that stuff don't read all of Devin's part or at all.

I also want to thank all my fans & supporters of the book because you guys have motivated me ( still do ) because I honestly wasn't going to finish this book but I started getting reads & comments and now I know where I want this story to go and It will be short but I will most definitely finish it!

I also would like to shine some light on my other book. "You know you want me", it is a lesbian book but I love it more then this book and I would really appreciate it if y'all check that out. Because I have absolutely no fans but a few ( 5 or so ) and I end up putting my time in that book because lol I don't have reads or fans. Know what I mean?

So enjoy, have a good day, another chapter prolly later today :)


*Caden P.O.V*

"The man on the voicemail is my ex-girlfriend's brother, I can assure you nothing will happen to you.. And lord I know it's way.. way to early to say this but I love you Zenobia.. from the moment I laid my eyes on you, I knew there was something different about you.. The first time we slept together just wasn't sex for me.. In a sense, I was physically making love to you.. Can you please stay with me for a few days while this situation is dealt with?" I blew my breath as I looked in Zenobia's eyes hopefully.

I didn't mean to tell her I loved her so early, but it wasn't a lie. I would die, protecting her and that is what I will do.

My heart was crushed when I saw something I didn't like shine through her eyes.

"Caden.. you can't love me.. I'm nothing.. For Christ sakes your a multi-billionaire.. I shouldn't have slept with you.. That was too easy.. I never been that easy.. You have truly given me the best 2 weeks of my life though.. I think we should end while we can" she finally said, she look tortured, I know she didn't want to do this. I sure as hell didn't know why she was doing this but I don't care, I got a taste and can't have enough.

I stared at her and she just caressed my cheek, she kissed my cheek and pushed me towards the door.

I dug my feet into the ground"Why?! Why are you doing this?! Just let me love you!" It seem like my words fell death to her eyes because she was still trying to push me to the door.

I turned quickly around and swooped her in my arms. I marched us over towards the couch and held her tight to my body.

"Stop." I stated patiently .

"Stop Zenobia." I asked more louder and sterner.

"STOP!" I yelled. That got her attention, I pulled her chin up so we were looking in each other's eyes

"I love you.." I whispered, Tears started to fall from her eyes and she smiled "I love you too Caden!"

"Good" were the last words I said to her before, I crushed my lips upon hers. I picked her back up and carried her back to her bedroom. For the rest of night, I made love to her till 3 in the morning.

When I woke up, I was on cloud 9 till I felt the cold space laying next to me. It wasn't hot nor warm, so she was gone for a while. I checked the bathrooms, kitchen, guest bedroom, living room, dining room, and the laundry room. She was gone. I called her phone a million times, I even called her secretary to see if he had gone to work. She wasn't there, it was then I notice a letter on the dining room table. I picked it up and the first sentence broke my heart.

*Devin P.O.V*

I got back to Amanda's apartment and went straight to the bathroom. Once I was done and saw the pregnancy test in wastebasket, I went livid. I pulled the door open and yanked Amanda's bedroom door open, I slammed it shut behind me and I threw the pregnancy box at Amanda.

"What is this?" I demanded

She rolled her eyes, the nerve of this bitch."A pregnancy test" she stated like I was the dumbest motherfucker on the planet.

I stormed over to the bed and gripped her up by her neck, yeaah that got her attention cause her eyes bulged out her sockets and she clawed her fingers at my hand.

"Look bitch, I know what it is. I want to know what it's doing in this apartment." I seethed in her face.

"I took it.. I TOOK IT, please let me go!"

I wasn't done, "Who's the father?"

She closed her eyes briefly. "I don't know"

I shook her violently, "You nasty ass hoe, what you mean you don't know?!"

"I-I-I" I threw her back against the bed headboard and she hit her head on the end table and the back of her head started bleeding.

I didn't give a fuck about that bitch, "So your pregnant and don't know the father? meaning you had unprotected sex with multiple people.. Including me?!" I asked patiently and sarcastic, hoping she say something that would save her ass.

"You could have put a fucking condom on your dick, is it just not my responsibility."

I walked her over to the bed, gripped her by her hair, and threw her off the bed. She wants to be a smart dirty ass slut ass bitch, then I will teach her like one. She was screaming way to much for my liking so I glued my palm to her mouth. I took the condom from the back of my pocket, I removed my hand real quick to take my jeans of and put the condom on.

I put my hand on her mouth when Amanda started yelling hysterically. I slapped her "SHUT THE FUCK UP BITCH" and she started to whimper, I slammed my dick in her pussy. The only sounds coming from the room were her cries, and the slamming of skin. Once I was done, I threw the condom away and shoved my finger in her face.

"If that baby is mines, get rid of it.. Now wasn't that fun? I hoped you enjoyed it as much as I did"

*Chris P.O.V*

I laid my head on the pillow and wrapped my other hand around Michelle's waist while I pulled her closer.

"She's finally sleep" I said as I kissed Michelle's forehead.

"Thanks soo much Chris, like you don't know how much you help"

"No problem" I said while I smile into the dark, it slowly faded when.. My heart started to race in anticipation. I wanted to tell I love her but what if she doesn't feel that way just yet. What the hell, time to live life a little.

"I love you, Michelle"

"Chris.. I.."


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The moree buzzz, the quicker I upload another chapter (already done) .

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