Chapter 11

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*Zenobia P.O.V*

I wiped the stranding tear off my cheek when the plane started to lift off. I had to leave him, it was for the best, It's not like I wanted. I needed to, I closed my eyes as I remembered the letter that was dropped off at 5am, this morning at my place.

Pictures and Pictures of me in Caden, talking, cuddling, making love, and driving around. It said 'If you don't leave him, I will rape you and make him watch. But that won't be the end, because after I'm done with you, I will slit his throat in front of your very eyes. Then slowly torture you to your death' It was scary and I freaked, so I left.

Closed all my bank accounts, pack all my clothes(well my neccesties), and hit the high road. So on my way to Hawaii, I think to myself there were so many other things I could have done. But what's done is done, no turning back now.

*Chris P.O.V*

I stared up at the ceiling waiting for sleep to take me when I think back to me and Michelle's conversation.


"I love you, Michelle"

"Chris.. I.." She sighed, and I patiently awaited her response.

"I love you too.. but I'm not looking for anything.. No relationship, No money, No sex.. Nothing.. I just want you to be here for me."

I contemplated my next actions before I pressed my lips softly on hers, "I will wait for you"

She didn't say anything after that and I got to hold her till she slept, still am, my dream finally coming somewhat true.

(End of Flashback)

I blew my breath cause I knew I had my work cut out for me but I knew Michelle was worth it. I kissed her forehead, and she cuddled into my side more. A smile formed on my face and I fall into a beautiful slumber.

*Devin P.O.V*

A week went by and I haven't seen Z around that white boy. Which was fucking fantastic but I'm starting to fucking realize this bitch must have possibly left this state or some shit, because I can't even find her anymore. I even tried to act like her fucking brother when I called her office. When they told the bitch is no longer with them.

My life is ruined, my wife is pregnant and I don't give a fuck bout her. My girlfriend decides to play fucking hide&seek. My side jawn, pregnant too cause she a fifthly hoe.

My tracfone phone rung and some random number popped up. I cleared my throat and smiled when I feel my plan going into motion:

"Hello." I answered as professional as I could.

"Hello Mr.Jones, I got news for you."

*Caden P.O.V*

Dear Caden,

I know you would do anything to protect but I think this problem is bigger then me and you can handle, which is why I had to leave. I love you, I really do, I feel it. In this short amount of time, I got to see and fall in love with a smart, funny, determined, caring, man. I will always remember you. Please understand and know that I mean everything I'm saying you. Please also understand that I never wanted anyone to get hurt especially you, and please know I NEVER wanted to leave you. It is something I must do. Have a good life Caden, I love you.

-Z.C (Zenobia Carter <3)

I read the letter for the 50th time, each time hitting a piece of me that I have now vowed to never let anyone touch. I never been the type to cry but Zenobia certainly made me shed a tear for her. I crumbed it again for the 4th time that day and punched my fist in my wall. I unwrapped it, and picked up my phone.

"Ed?" I asked determined.

"Yes son?" He asked immediately.

"I need you to find me someone"

I KNOW !! LOL SHORT CHAPTER SORRY ! Going thru I few things right now .. I will TRY to upload tonight or tomorrow !
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