3|27: Overcoming The Demons.

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Unfolding The Unplanned.

Chapter 27: Overcoming The Demons.

(*) Aria's Point Of View (*) – 24th December 2035.


Sitting on the love seat by the TV, Alfie and Rachel are cuddled close to each other, speaking amongst themselves.

I let out a gasp and they both turn their heads around to meet my gaze.

"Aria!" Rachel states, her mouth opens wide to form an 'O' shape and my mouth drops open too, shocked at what's in front of me.

It's Rachel, she is pregnant.

I am totally shocked, I never thought she would be pregnant and I would wonder who the baby's Father is but at the sight of Rachel and Alfie, them cuddling on the sofa, I am guessing that he is the Father of her unborn child. "Aria." Rachel repeats, drawing me away from my thoughts, I shake my head and lean back onto the sofa for support after processing the unexpected news about them two, I just can't believe it. My best friend (can I still call her my best friend when I haven't spoken to her in two years) asks me, shock clearly both written across their features as my brother is just sitting there shocked.

The front door opens and voices enter the house as my stomach making knots again, well no time like the present to face everyone, is there?

"Can't wait to go and watch the new Orange Is The New Black episode. Alex is so fine." Adrian informs Anthony who just grunts in reply, I can picture him rolling his eyes and licking his lips. Alex's cries fill the room and I can hear my Mother speaking to the boys in the hallway.

"I know man, I cannot even, the nakedness of all the women and the women and women action. Let's get started, nothing can spoil this, nothing can spoil us two sitting in front of the TV stuffing our faces, watching it." Anthony replies back to Adrian, I roll my eyes at the boy's comments between each other. Typical boys and typical reactions.

"Oh I know man, nothing will stop us, nothi-". Adrian speaks as they both enter the room, both of the boys mouths open wide as they stare at me, gaping and gasping at my sudden return. Adrian holding a vlogging camera in his hands – the camera pointing at me. My Mother grabs it off him and switches it off. Maybe I should have written them an email or a letter before I came back, it's a big shock after all but at least I spoke to them in the last two years.

"Surprise, happy Christmas." I speak, lifting up my head to meet their wide open mouths, I whip my head around to meet Rachel nodding her head at Adrian and Alfie letting out a little laugh.

Adrian closes his mouth while Anthony's mouth is still open wide and catching flies. He composes himself and shakes his head, I'm guessing he is still trying to process the information, I don't blame him as I would be too after someone who was in your life for such a long time goes for two years and the only form of contact was one letter half way through and then reappears after two years yeah, letter she had never left. However, a sudden change of character from his old bubbly self, he points an accusing finger at me and barks back. "You! You think you can just come back into our life after two years and gunk everything would be okay?" He barks at me, his face going red.

Biting my bottom lip, I try and not let this affect me as I reply back, "I know I didn't tell you were I was going and I didn't think you would let me come back with open arms but I don't know." I speak, my voice going quieter at the end of the sentence.

"You don't know what, you left us without an explanation, you left Joey and us. You left Mom when she was pregnant for god sake!" Adrian barks back, making me go smaller.

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