3|29: Turning The Clock Back.

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Unfolding The Unplanned.

Chapter 29: Turning The Clock Back.

(#) Aria's Point Of View (#) – April 14th 2035(Flashback).

Opening the door to the hospital room, it's creaks open and I enter the stuffy room. I have already taken a quick glance around the room before I entered to see if there was anyone there and luckily there wasn't as I don't want to see anyone, let alone speak to them except my Grandma or maybe my Mother who is coming later.

For a couple of weeks, I have wanted to speak to my Grandma and see her, the time that I spent in Italy by myself has made me miss everyone terribly. I shut the door behind me and paddle into the room, my eyes scan the room and my eyes land on my Nan's who is lying down against the bed, her eyes closed as she is sleeping.

Taking a seat on the wooden hard chair, I dump my belonging onto the floor and sigh, ranking a hand through my hair as I grab a brush from it to try and make myself look presentable.

"Aria?! Is that you?" My Grandma asks, opening one eye, taking a peak at me as I jump out of my skin. Dam that was scary. Well so much for being quiet and trying not to wake her up, maybe I should take a class in being quiet.

Placing my hand on my chest, trying to recover from the heart attack that my grandma almost just gave me. Trying to slow down my breathing, I flip my head around to meet her gaze and take her hand in mine. "Dam you scared me so much. That's a great entrance." I state and rub my thumb over her tiny fragile hand.

Her eyes give me a once over and when she meets my gaze, her whole face lights up and she beams from eye to eye. "I have missed you much darling. How have you been? Wait before I be nice, I need to have a chat with you at the moment, such as where the hell did you go and you didn't tell anyone young lady? We were worried sick, we couldn't find you. you didn't answer any of our calls! Have you told your parents?" She asks me and guilt rises up inside of me and I look away as I don't want to her see my face, the face of guilt. She takes my face in her hands and turns my hand around to meet her gaze. "Darling don't hide your face darling. It's just me. I'm sorry that I acted that way." She states and I sigh, ranking a hand through my hair as she takes her hands away from my face.

"I know. I know Nan. You should be angry at me; I am angry at myself too. I have spoken to my parents, yes, they have forgiven me and please I hope one day you will find it in your heart to forgive me for what I did. I just hope I wasn't too late?" I plea as I shuffle in my seat.

She places a hand onto my shoulder and gives it a small massage and I just continue to sit there as she gives me a massage. "How is that?" She asks me and all I do is let out a moan as she is gives great massages. "You like it?" She states and I nod my head at her.

She continues to massage my shoulders and then massages my head also and then moves back to her chair where she is now again leaning back onto her chair. "So have you been darling?" She asks me, pulling the duvet right up to her face as she gets comfy and warm.

I give her a small smile and lean back onto my chair, "I have been okay." I lie to her but then she gives me the look of disapproval so I give her a small smile in return. "Well okay Nan I haven't been okay at all. I don't know if my Mom has told her about where I have been while I was away. She shakes her head at me and looks down at her hands. Well I am glad that she hasn't told my Nan what happened but I wouldn't like my parents or children to keep secrets from me but I do get why she hasn't told her about where I am been. Do you get me, do you, I hope you do!

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