Chap 2- New Town New House New Pack

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Pic to the side is Rose

Chap 2- New Town, New House, New Pack

Trees. That's all you could see as we were driving. It's been over two hours, and trees were all we incountered. I still haven't asked my mom where we were heading to, but I could't speak even if I wanted to.

The ride so far has been very quiet, neither me or my mother, have made an attempt to talk, and Coco was soundlessly asleep on my lap. I wish I could say something to confort her, I just couldn't find the right words to say. Even if I did say something it wouldn't change anyting.

No mater how hard I tried, my mind kept re-playing all the growls and screams that were made from the two packs fighting. A part of me believed that the attack was nobodys fault, but it was because of the cruel roughues that attacked us, and distroyed our pack. But the other part of me felt as if it was my falt. No matter how stupid that sounded, I had these feeling that it had something to do with me.

Those thoughts invaded my mid for the rest of the two hours that we drove, until my mother stoped infront of a diner, with the name Bobs Diner. The diner wasn't anything big. From its appearance you could tell it was a family owned buisness. The roof was a green color, but it was noticable that it was fading, probably because of the time that it has been here. The door had a 'open' and 'welcome' sign on it. It also didn't have a lot of parking space, but from what I could see, a lot of people enjoyed coming here.

At first i thought what we were doing here, that was until my stomach grumbled. My mom turned the engine off and motioned for me to follow her. Following her orders, I took my seatbelt off, lay Coco on the seat, opened the car door and walked behing her. When my mom opened the door it made a ding sound, and we were inside. The inside wasn't anything fancy, not that I expected it to be, but it had a homey feel to it, and I liked that. Its style was like those 70's kind of style, so that either meant that it was an old diner, or the owner liked diner styles how they were back then. After looking around for a while longer, my mom and I made our way to our table.

Some seconds passed before our waiter came. She looked to be in her early 40's . She had brown hair with the start of grey ones that reached her shoulders, her eyes were a warm chocolate brown color and she wore a kind smile. I probably looked so bad right now.

" Hello girls! My name is Nancy" " What can I get for you today?" Nancy asked kindly.

I looked through the menu and said " Umm.. I'll have the chocolate chip pancakes and a glass of water please."

She wrote my order down and turned to my mother. My mother looked up from her menu and said, " I'll have the same thing " she said politely.

Nancy wrote my moms order down and with one final smile left to give our order.

As minutes passed with us waiting for our order I looked at my mom. By her expression, I could tell she was in deep thought. I cleared my throat and said " Mom? I was wondering where we are going to go?"

She slightly jumped, starteled by my voice, and looked up. After what seemed like forever she finally answered. " Well, I was thinking we could go to my old pack. I'm sure we would be welcome there. The Alpha is very kind, and some of my close friends are there." She said thoughtfully.

I studied her expressionfor a few seconds and said " Oh... um where is the pack located, and where will we stay?"

" Well, the pack is located in Wshington. It's a small town, and it's really beautiful there. The name of the pack that we might be part of is called The Blue Fire Pack, and it's really big."

" As for your other question I was thinking that we could stay at my old house there."

" How come I never knew that you were part of another pack before you met....... dad" Even saying his name was painful.

She gasped when I mentioned dad but composed hersel " It just never came up" was her answer.

Before I could speak again, our food came.

The rest of the time went by with neither of us speaking, and I think it was better in a way. When we were done with our food, we ordered some food for Coco, payed and we left the diner. Once we got in the car, we were back on the road.

For another four tortorous hours, we finally came across a sign that said " Welsome to Moundridge" As we drove, I could see blurry figures moving in the trees, but because of their speed, I couldn't quite make out what they were.

Minutes later we were into town. As we drove through it, I noticed a small coffe shop, a food strore, a restaurant, some clothing boutiques, a small mall, a elementary and middle school, and houses. The town wasnt big, but it looked really nice. Soon, we left town, and were againg shielded by the trees. It looked so nice and peaceful, that for a moment I just wanted for it to never end.

After a while, an average size old house came into view. It was two stories high, but it was not too big and not too small, so I think it was perfect for my mom and I. The color of the house was white, and the roof was a dark red color. There was a garage that could fit two cars, and a small porch. There were also a lot of big windows. Overall the outside of the house was pretty. I got out of the car, with Coco following behind me and walked to the fron door. My mom did the same and was now standing next to me. I looked at her and noticed her eyes held sadness, awe, and admiration.

Finally, she snaped out of her thoughts and got out a pair of keys. She unlocked the door and led us in. The insde of the house needed some rinovations, but even if it needed some adjusments, it still had that homey feel to it, and no matter how much I wanted to hate it, I still had these feeling of safeness.

I let Coco run off to do his biussness, picked up my bag from the floor, and walked around the house. My first stop was the living-room. it was average size with cream colored walls. It also had things that were covered in white blankets, that by the shape of them you could tell they were furniture. The next room was a kitchen. It had a microwave, stove, sink and dishwasher. The cabinetes were a dark brown color and were covered in dust, and the counter tops were white/grey smooth marble. After the kitchen I went up the stairs and noticed five doors. One of them I'm guessing is the bathroom and the other four are bedrooms.

After seeing all the three rooms, I came across the one I was looking for. This room was slightly biger than the oneI had back home. The walls were a baige color and it had three dors. One door was a walk-in closet and the other was a bathroom. The last door was a glass door. I opened it and walked out on the balcony. From here I could see the back yard and the never ending view of the trees. It was truly a beautif site. 'hum...I could get used to this' I thought

When I was finished with exploring the house, I sprinted back downstairs and found my mom and coco sitting in the living room. My mom with a broken expression on her face And coco just playing with one of the toys I managed to save. ' he looks so peaceful in his own world' I thought. I slowly went and sat next to my mom. A few moments of silence passed, before I pulled my mom for a tight hug and said " It's ok mom we will get through this together" After my mom heard that sentence, she started to sob and I did right after her.

We stayed in each others arms for a while, before my mom pulled back, wiped her tears and said. " You're righ honey, we will get through this together. Everything is going to be ok." She spoke hoarsely and smiled a sad smile.

Everything is going to be ok........


Hi guys here is chap 2!! I hope you like it. Please vote comment and please read my book. I will be updating sometime this week. Thank you for your support.

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