Mr. Possessive- Prologue

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My first book!!!

hi guys i just wnated to say that this is my first time ever writing a book, and i would really appriciate it if you could read it. love you all. Also i will be updating at least once a week if not more. thank you. here is the first chapter of MPABB!!!!!

picture to the side is Ryan Reed


Rosalinda's prov

"Coco come back here this instant! I ordered my husky dog. Coco barked and just continued running down the naighborhood. 'One i catch him, he is going to be in big trouble.' I thought.

As i was rounding the corner, I was walking so fast that I didn't notice I bumped into someone. I closed my eyes and waited for the impact, but it never came. Instead I felt two strong arms wrap around me, and lifted me up. Once safely on the ground, I opened my eyes, and came face to face with my crush of now three years and the most popular guy at Athens Troy High School, Ryan Reed.

As soon as I saw his face, I quickly looked down already feeling my cheeks reddening from embearessment. From a small distance I heard Ryan chuckle. After a few moments of awkward silence, Ryan finally spke

" Hey, um don't you go to Athens, I think I've seen you walking around the hallways sometimes. Youre Rosalinda right?"

" Yeah, my full name is Rosalinda Ann Nazarko,but you can call me Rose if you want"

I responded looking at him for the first time up close. I mean yeah i have seen him at school but not this close up, and let me tell you he is an eye candy you couldnt miss him, with his dark green eyes, and blonde hair that were styled in a ' I just got out of bed' look. It looked good on him though. Today he was sporting a white V neck and a pair of black jeans. Over all he looked really handsom.

I was snapped out of my thoughts when Ryan said " Take a picture, it lasts longer"

After he said that i put my head down once again, and even though i couldn't see him, I could imagine a smirk plasted on his face.

I was so suprised that he said that and also embearassed that i was checking him out without noticing it that i began suttering " Wah.. no.. I...."

A low laugh rumbled from his chest, ahh, that laugh was the most sexy laugh i have ever heard.

At that moment I looked up and heard him saying " I was just joking, relax"

" So what are you doing out so late?" he continued still with that hart mealtin smile of his.

Finally gathering up the courage to talk to him I said, " Well... I was walking my dog and I got distracted by something, and in that time he ran out of my hands, and now I can't find him" I said frusterated.

" Well what does he look like? maybe I saw him when I was walking this way" He suggested.

" Oh, ok, well he his a small puppy, with big blue eyes and black and white fur." I described

After a while of him processin my words, I noticed him look behind my shoulder and then said, " Isn't that your dog over there?" Pointing behind me.

And what do you know, there was Coco, siting by a bush licking himself, eww gross. Ehh at least i found him. I turned to face Ryan again and said in a rush, " Umm... Well thanks for the help, it was nice talking to you but I got to take Coco home, my mom is probably goig to kill me for staying out thi late! "

"Oh" he said....... disapointed???

" Well, i'll see you around school sometimes then? " He said smiling hopefully.

" Sure" I responded " see you" ' like that going to happen. I mean come on, I'm just a nerd, and he, well he is the most popular guy in school. So I think there is no chance that me and him are ever going to talk again.' and that kind of dissapointed me.

With one final good bye I made my way towards Coco.

Once I reached him, I took his leash in my hand and started walking, all the while giving him and earfull of what would be his punishment if he disobayed e again. Of corse some of the statements were false, but I knew he would still love me even if I pnished him. After all I am a very lovable person. Notice the sarcasm.

As I was making my way home, on thought stuck to my head. What would life be if I had my mate with me?


Hi guys!!!!! So this is the first chapter. I hope you liked it. Please vote, and comment. I will be updating very soon. Love you all. Thank you!! :* :) I also wanted to say that the chapters that follow will be longer and more detailed so please continue reading thank you again

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