chapter 8- Part 1 (NOT EDITED)

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Chapter 8- Mr. Possessive!

                As we walked out of the girls locker room, I followed Anna and Grace to the bleacher because I had absolutely no idea what to do since I was new and all that, which you already know.

On our way there wolf whistles were thrown our way, well mostly to Anna and Grace, because even a blind person would notice how stunning they both are. While I was just plain old me.  Besides that, I think the other reason the uniform that we were supposed to wear, which consisted of a tight shirt and short-shorts, typical, right! I rolled my eyes at that. But, in my case I didn’t wear any because I never got a pair, so I got lucky for today.

Now you might think how the others got theirs and I didn’t since it’s the first day of school for everyone, but I didn’t attend registration day and everyone else did, so they got theirs that day, but in a way I’m not complaining, I mean who would.

“You can be so lazy sometimes”   My wolf said, ‘Now she wants to talk’  I thought

“Yeah, yeah, I know I have strength an all that, but today I don’t feel like wasting energy” I said.

 After that she just left again and I was glad, today I just did not feel like dealing with her disagreements.

Once we were seated, I had the chance to look around and see who was in this class, and what do you know, Miss Orange face and her minions are all in this class, but I wouldn’t expect any less from this school, after all everything seems like it’s the same old cliché.  Near them were a group of guys, but most of them were humans, and a little further from them was the werewolf group of guys, and they were all bulky and handsome, which is also something that many unnatural creatures like us inherit.

Most of the guys in the human group were openly staring at the girls while the other group looked like they could care less, but my guess would be that a majority of them had mates or they just didn’t like orange face and the other human girls in this class.

 “This is going to be fun’ I thought.

On the bright side, the stupid jerk from earlier,( and you probably have an idea of who I’m talking about), isn’t in this class and that’s a plus, but a deep part of me whished that he was and didn’t know what to think of that.

While everyone was talking amongst themselves Anna, Grace and I were just sitting until Grace said,

“So are you guys going to fill me in on the juicy details of this morning” looking at her face I could see that her face held excitement but also sadness. Seeing her like this made me feel really bad and I wish I could do something about it, but I don’t know what.

Before either I or Anna could respond, the bell finally rang signaling that gym class has officially started, and I had a feeling that for the most part I was going to despise it.

Everyone went silent, and yes, that included orange face and her minions, (now that I think about it, I never got her name, that’s something I should keep in mind to ask Anna later.) as the teacher, or for a more fitting name a giant made his way over to stand in front of us all. When I first looked at him, I almost peed my pants. He was fairly tan, had dark hair and dark eyes that could scare the shit out of you, but what would want to make you run for the hills would be his really tall frame and muscled body which was for the most part of it covered in scars.

‘I wonder how he got those’ I thought, but didn’t think too deeply about it because then he started to talk.
“ All right everybody, my name is Mr. Michael, but you will call me coach or sir. Understood?” he boomed, with a voice that sent chills down your spine. Not the good kind.

“So, even though today is the first day back in school, I don’t really care, so we will be working.

As he finished talking, everybody started whining; I was thinking about joining them but decided against it if I wanted to live.

“Shut it, I don’t  want to hear any sound coming from you, you guys are seniors this year and you should start acting more like it. Because if you don’t ….” He let that sentence hang for a while and mostly everyone was staring at him with fear, and when I glanced sideways some of them looked like they weren’t even breathing.  And then he finally said with a wicked grin

“Actually I think I will let you guess.” 

I think I need to change, if you know what I mean.

“Now that that’s settled, I want everyone to get their butts up and run ten laps around the gym!”

I looked at Anna as we went on the gym floor with a scared look but she did nothing to help because she had the same look as me.

“I never had this teacher before so I can’t give you any advice, because I’m as scared as you are girl” She whispered to me with wide eyes.

“ Hey, you, girl with the hood” Mr. Michael yelled just as Grace, Anna and I were about to start running, I looked around and saw that everybody was still running and that none of them were wearing a hood… except me.

I turned around to face the teacher, and pointed at myself, as an indication of if he was talking to me. He scowled, “Yeah, dumb head, who do you, think I was talking to, now get over here” He yelled.

“Dude you need to chill your balls” I almost said, but held myself back.

I looked back at Anna and Grace with a fearful face, but they shrugged and gave me supposedly encouraging smile.

‘Seriously, they’re not even going to help me? Some friends they are’ I thought sarcastically.

So I turned back around, and cautiously made my way over to where Mr. Michael was standing.

‘Oh god, what did I do, is it because I have no uniform?’ I asked myself.

It seemed like it took forever for me to get there, because I was really dreading to hear what he had to say, but then…… the unexpected happened…….

He smiled.


Part two will be up tomorrow 

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