Chapter 4- School... Ugh!!

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" O my God!!!! You are soo cuteee!!"

" Who's a good boy? Who's a good boy?"

"Oh yes you are!!! You are so frikin adorable. Cutie pie"

'Ughhh, please somebody get me out of here!' I thought covering my poor ears.

For the past 1 hour and a half, Anna has been playing with Coco non-stop, and doing all those high pitched voices, and funny faces, that it is slowly killing me.

'I mean, when my mom invited her over two days ago at the food market, I thought we were going to get to know each other better, not play around with my dog. Sure, I get that she finds my poor puppy adorable, but it is kind of rude of her to not talk to me, and play with my dog. I'm sure by now even Coco is trying to get rid of her. Besides, after a period of time, doesn't she get tired of only doing one thing.

" Umm.. Anna ? Are you going to play with my dog the whole time, or are we going to do something else?" I asked, interrupting her torturing on Coco. Glancing at him, I could see that he wanted to be anywhere else but here. ' I feel ya bro' I mentally said.

Finally snapping out of her baby talking mode, she looked up at me, and a regretful expression came over her face.

" Ohh, I am soo sorry, I got distracted with Cocos cuteness, i forgot you were even there. I feel bad now." She said shamefully.

Thinking it over for a second I finally decided

" I guess I forgive you, but we have to get going, I don't think we have that much time left before someone comes to pick you up." I said, kind of disappointed.

"Oh....... um... well, we could watch movies, or do facials and all that stuff that girls do at slumber parties. What do you think? We could get through one of the choices until my brother comes and picks me up."

When she mentioned her brother, I was curious to learn more about him, but let it slide.

" Ok, sure, I think we should watch a movie, cuz I'm not really into that girly stuff." I said, scrunching my nose.

I really don't like painting my nails, and doing whatever girls do, sure, i dress fashionably sometime, but that doesn't mean I'm interested in being a girly- girl. So doing facials, and manicures is out of the question, so that left us with watching a movie.

" Yeah, i was thinking the same thing, so what movie should we watch" Anna asked.

I thought it over, and was stuck with the Notebook, or the new scary movie ' The Conjuring'. I've heard it's a great movie but really scary. I couldn't make a decision, so I decide to ask Anna on her opinion.

" I was thinking about watching either the Notebook, or the new scary movie the Conjuring. What do you think?" I asked, With hope she would help.

" Hummm..............." she thought, tapping her pointer finger on her chin. "Uhhhh" she squealed.

I covered my ears from the loudness of it.

"We should probably watch the conjuring. One, because I've watched the Notebook like a hundred times already, and two because i feel like watching a scary movie. I mean, come on, the main girl character is so immature and annoying, she just gets on my nerves ( A.N I love the notebook), so i definitely vote for the Conjuring." She exclaimed.

"Ok" I said " Oh, and you're right about Allie. But you got to admit, Ryan Gosling is an eye candy."
" You got that right" She laughed, and a moment later I joined in.

Talking to Anna is really nice.. She's very nice an fun. And it feels good to finally have a friend I can count on. Even though I haven't known her for long, something tells me I can trust her.

I went over to my Tv and searched the movie on NETFLIX.

While the ads were on, I left Anna in the living room, and went in the kitchen, and popped some popcorn in the microwave. What's a movie without popcorn?

By the time the popcorn was done, and Anna and I were covered in our separate blankets, the movie started.

Snuggling further into the couch, I watched the movie intently.

Half way through the movie, I couldn't watch it anymore, so I let my mind wonder off.

Dozing off the movie, my thoughts were directed towards mates. I've always heard that when you find your mate, you instantly know by just looking at them. They say that when you lock eyes for the first time, it's as if nothing exists but the two of you. When their scent hits you, it's like a smack across the face, because it's the most intoxicating odor you will ever smell. And when you touch, it feels as if electric shocks are going through you. After meeting them, you will never have eyes for anybody else but them, and your whole world will revolve on that person only. The love and the passion that two mates share will never die down. The love shared between the two will last forever. When I looked at my parents, or any other mated couple, I could see the way they looked at each other, and how they acted. I envied the. Because I would never have the chance to experience that, because I don't have a mate.

I was brought out of my thinking mode from the loud crash that came from the hallway. Looking at Anna, I noticed that she was alert too. I motioned for her to follow me, to see what it was. Taking one of the vases for self-protection, we cautiously made our way in the hallway. There was no light on, so we couldn't see, and while walking, we bumped into a hard object. Jumping ten feet in the air, me and Anna screamed at the top of out lungs, and before I could hit the intruder, they took the object out of my hands and turned the light on.

I squirmed my eyes from the brightness. Once adjusted to the light, I came face to face with a very good looking guy. He had green eyes, and light brown hair. He had a strong jaw line and a very fit body. Something looked familiar about him, but I couldn't put a finger on it.

" What are you doing her Brody?" Anna asked annoyed.

I looked between the two of them confused.

" I decided to come early" I guessing Brody, responded, with a 'I don't care voice'

" Well you could have at least warned us, and besides how did you get in?" Anna snapped.

" Yeah, whatever. Oh and I came in through the door. Duhh" He threw back unaffected.

" Ughjhhh!!!" Ann screamed frustrated.

" You guys know each other?" I asked timidly.'

" Ohh, right. Rose this is my annoying older brother Brody, Brody, this is my new friend Rose. She just moved her a couple of days ago." Anna introduced us.

I held out my hand for him to shake and said " It's nice to meet you. I didn't know Anna had a brother."

He took my hand and brought it to his lips, placing a gentle kiss on it.

" Well it's certainly very nice to meet you!" He said while looking me up and down with lustful eyes. At that moment I couldn't help but feel a strange connection to him.

I blushed and looked down at my feet.

" And I don't think Anna mentioned me, because she's jealous that I'm more awesome than her."

" Isn't that right? Anna banana" He mocked his sister while messing up her hair.

" Yeah, Yeah..... Whatever! Let's just go" Anna responded frustrated while stepping away from him.

He rolled his eyes and walked out.

Rose turned to me and said " Ok, well Rose, I have to go now because of that dochebag! But I'll see you at school a week from now." She said, seeming more excited about the school part.

" Ok, I'll walk you outside."

Once outside, I noticed the latest mustang car, which was a blue color. ' What I would do to have a car like that'

Anna got in the car, and waved one last time. " It was nice meeting you Brody" I yelled as Brody started the car. he gave me a small smirk at waved, while speeding away.

After watching them drive away, I closed the door, and went back in the living room where the movie was still playing. Not feeling like watching the movie anymore, I switched it off, and made my way upstairs to my room.

Once in my room, I threw myself on my comfortable new bed. I got my Ipod from my bedside table, and decided to listen to One Directions new album " Midnight Memories. ( A.N I love this album)

While listening to Little White lies, my thoughts wondered off o school,

I only have one week left of break, and then school starts. This year I'm not that negative looking about it, because I have a friend at least, instead of none. Anna told me that the people in the school are mostly nice, with the exception of some. She also mentioned that the majority are werewolves, so that's an advantage for us.

In school, I've always gotten good grades, but that's not because I'm naturally smart. I had to work really hard to get all A's. My parents also encouraged me to always do my best in school.

'It's probably going to be the same this year. Get good grades, be a social outcast, and go home. Well besides having Anna as a friend to talk to from time to time. She probably has her own group of friends.' I thought.

After the album ended, I looked at the clock and it read 2 o'clock. 'Wow' time went by fast.

Taking my headphones out, I went back downstairs, to find my mom just opening the door and coming inside. I ran down the rest of the steps, until I was standing right in front of her.

" How was your day?" I asked, kissing her cheek.

She smiled sweetly at me and said, " It was nice. I felt good to talk to one of my old friends." " How did your day go?" She asked

Walking in the kitchen, I responded

" It went pretty well, Anna is really nice and fun, except for the fact that the majority of the time she played with Coco." I laughed.

" Now that I think about it....... Where is Coco?"

Just as I said that, I heard a loud bark, and seconds later, Coco walked in the kitchen.

' Speak of the devil and he shall appear'

I bent down and picked hi up. " Hi Coco, Are you hungry?"

" ruff" " I'll take that as a yes." I said.

You may think ' what would a wolf need a dog for?' Well when I saw Coco in the store, I just couldn't leave him there, so I decided why not buy hi?

" Mom is there any dog food?" I asked

: Yeah, honey let me get it." She responded

Mom opened one of the cabinets and got out a can of food for dogs. She opened it and placed it in front of Coco.

My mom sat down again, and motioned for me to do the same.

" So are you ready for school?" She asked.

" Ugh. Don't even mention it." I groaned. She chuckled, and began asking different questions which I responded with a short answer.

School! Ughhh.....

_------_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_------------------------------________________________________________________-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------__________________________________________________________________----------------------------------------------------( Ok, I decided, that since I made you guys wait so long to add to this chapter. So enjoy!)

If this room was burning

I wouldn't even notice

cuz you have been taking up my mind

With your

Little white lies, little white lies

That was the first thing I heard that Tuesday morning. I sleepily reached by my bedside table, and tried shutting it off. Finally, after a number of failed attempts, I shut it off.

Not feeling like getting up yet, I snuggled further in my bed and closed my eyes for just a few seconds, which turned into minutes.

Getting the courage to get up, I looked at the clock with sleepy eyes.

"7:15" I threw the blanket off myself, and jumped off the bed.

It's not that I'm going to be late for school or anything, it's just that I like to be at my new school a little earlier than everybody else.

Yes guys, today s officially my first day ate the new school, or as I like to call it " Hell". 'I can't believe the week went by so fast' I thought. I mean come on, it was Tuesday just a few days ago, how did it go by that fast?

Sure, the rest of the week wasn't that eventful, it was just me, Coco, and my mom, well, now that I think about it, it was just Coco and I, my mom has a new job, so she worked most of the day and came back at 7PM. I'm actually happy for her, at least she doesn't have to stay home and be bored out of her mind, watching TV and listening to music all day.

Well, I shouldn't complain about school anymore, because it will at least keep me busy.

Coming back to reality, I got a pair of undergarments out and a blue fluffy towel, and dragged myself to the bathroom. Glancing at myself in the mirror, I was horrified with my appearance. My naturally long wavy brown hair was a mess. My usually red full lips, were now a pinkish color and chapped, and my big blue eyes, were now dull without any trace of life, and had bags under them.

After taking a quick shower, I got back in my room and put on the close that i had picked out since yesterday. I dried my hair, and let it flow naturally behind my back, reaching my waist. Next, I applied just a little of mascara, got my backpack and headed downstairs.

Entering the kitchen, I found it empty. " Of course', But noticed a white note on the counter. Picking it up.

" Rose, I'm sorry I couldn't be there for your first day at the new school, but you know about my new job, and how I'm required early. But even though I'm not there, I hope you have a very good day at school, and make many friends. Love you, Mom"

Ehh, at least she wrote me a note.

" P.S, there is cereal on top of the refrigerator ( your favorite, Cinnamon Toast Crunch, :)."

Smiling at the note, I put it down, and got the cereal from on top of the refrigerator, just like instructed on the note, and began putting spoonful's in my mouth.

After quickly finished with my delicious breakfast, I said bye to Coco, Who was currently in the living room playing with one of his toys.. I walked out of the house, and locked the door behind me.

Since mom mentioned that the school was about a 15 min walk from here, i decided to walk instead of taking the bus. 'I never liked the bus. It's too loud and crowded. And most of the time there is nowhere to sit.' And besides I enjoy walking, It gives me this kind of serenity.

Plugging my headphone in, I followed the path to the school.

After exactly 15 min, I was standing right in front of a massive building. I had a big sign on top of the gigantic main door with " Castro Valley High School" written on it with fancy golden letters. The building itself, was three stories high with massive windows and walls made of grey bricks. If I didn't know this was a school, i would think this was a castle. I never expected such a small town to have a grand school like this one. Yes, they had a big pack and all, but I never imagine it to be this big!!

"How many members did my mom say there were?" I mentally asked myself.

Ehh... I'll find out sooner or later. Looking around, I found that not many people were standing in front of the school.

'Thank God' And the ones that were there, seemed to no notice me yet.


I squealed, and covered my head thinking that someone might hurt me, but that was until I heard a devious laugh.

Pulling myself together, I turned around and came face to face with none other than........ Anna.

No surprise there, I should expected this from her.

" Oh my God...... 'Laugh' you should 'laugh' have seen your face, 'laugh' it was priceless. I should have taken a picture." She chocked in-between laughs

" Yeah, Yeah, laugh all you want, but you almost gave me a heart attack there." I exclaimed, trying to control my frantically beating heart.

" Feuhh" She said wiping her fake tears from her eyes.

" Ok, Ok, Enough laughing. Shall we go inside, and start this wonderful first day of school.?" She sarcastically said.

I simply nodded and started following her. But before we could even take another step, a dirty blond haired girl came running towards us. She was about the same height as me, with hazel eyes, wavy dirty blond hair and a round face. She was really pretty.

" OMG, you won't believe what I just heard!!" she exclaimed

" Whoa, calm down. Rose this is my friend Grace, Grace this is my new friend Rose."

" Nice to meet you" I said while stretching out my hand for her to shake

" It's nice to meet you too, But we don't do handshakes here" She said, before unexpectedly pulling me into a hug

"Um.. ok" I awkwardly said while hugging her back.

We broke apart and she started talking again.

" Ok as I was saying. People are saying that Damien is coming back after 6 months of traveling." Grace said in a hushed tone.

Anna's eyes widened " Really, i think he's 18 now so he can find his mate. I feel sorry for the person that will be stuck with him"

Grace nodded. " Who's Damien?" I asked

Anna turned to me, but before she could answer, Grace beat her to it, " Damien is our future Alpha, but stay away from him. He is a player, and definitely the hottest guy probably in the world, but don't get fooled by him. And if I were you I would stay away from him, because with your looks, you would definitely be a target."

She explained. I nodded and then they got back to their gossiping about new couples, and Blah, blah blah.

I zooned out after a few seconds, not interested in their conversation.


That name brought chills to my body, and that couldn't be good


Not a name I would want to mess with. I'm going to do the impossible to stay away from him!!


Hi guys, so here is chapter 4. I'm sorry it took so long, but it's longer than the other ones. Thank you sooo much for all the votes comments and reads I really appriciate it. I will update as soon as I can. Thx again. Love you all


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