Chapter 3- New Friend

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That night, me and my mom stayed in her room, and talked about all the happy times we had together as a family. Some of them were so funny that when we laughed it sounded like we were chocking, because we were laughing and crying at the same time. All the moments that were mentioned were happy ones, with the exemption of some, but after talking more about them, we came to the conclusion that those moments made us a stronger family. Even though I will never forget my father, and my life will never be the same without him, I have to move on. Me and my mom both had to take this step. That would be what dad would've wanted us to do. He was always a very positive person, and always wished the best in everybody, even the people that didn't deserve it. This was one thing I liked about my dad, he always gave people a second chance. But even though he forgave he always said 'forgive but never forget'.

" I wish I could have done something more to save him, but it was too late when I saw him. They had already injected him with silver."

My mother sobbed. I only hugged her and remained silent.

" Do you know what his last words were?" Mom asked

I shook my head, and even though she couldn't see me she continued.

" Regina....... Take care of out daughter. Make sure that she is safe, she is very special and you know that. I don't have that much time left......... but remember that I love you both with all I have in me, and even though I won't be there physically, I will always be watching over protecting you....... Remember that.............."

She repeated my dad's last words with such intense emotion that hearing them, brought back tears in my eyes, but I held them back. I wanted to be strong for my mom and myself. Even though there were many words that tore my heart one of them stuck out. For an unknown reason I felt as if when my dad described me as special it had a double meaning to it. But I didn't ponder on it too much.

Eventually, both me and my mom fell into a dreamless sleep. In hope to have a new beginning.

The next morning, when I woke up, I noticed that my mom was already out of bed. I yawned and stretched my arms out. Rubbing the sleep out of my eyes, I made my way downstairs, where I found my mom sitting on a kitchen stool while looking at her phone, and Coco eating some of the food we bought for him at the diner yesterday. When she heard me walk in, she looked up and gave me a small smile. I went over to her kissed her cheek, stroked Cocos black and white fur and sat down on the stool next to the one she was sitting on.

" Good morning honey. I was thinking we could go into town today and buy something's for the house and some groceries because there is nothing to eat." She said looking at me with her warm brown eyes.

" I'll come with, I have something's I need to buy too, if that's ok with you" I told my mom.

" Ok, we'll it's 9 am now, so at around 11 we'll leave. Go get ready and we'll meet here in 2 hours."

With that said, we both headed upstairs with Coco following us and went our separate ways. Once in my room, i let coco play, got the clothes that I packed for myself before I left and went in my private bathroom.

I striped out of my clothes and got in the shower. Making the water the right temperature, so it would be hot against my pale skin, I started showering and washing away all my stress. Taking the strawberry scented shampoo that I found in the bathroom I washed my hair to perfection. As quickly as I could, I finished washing myself and got out of the steaming hot water.

I dried off and put my clothes on, ran my hand through my blond locks to get rid of the knots that formed in it, and let it cascade down my back reaching my waist. With a final glance at myself in the mirror, I walked out of the bathroom.

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