Welcome to the Guild!

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The town of Magnolia is a rather large town in the land of Fiore, most known for the guild of wizards protecting its citizens, which goes by the name of "Fairy Tail". The reason you're here is to become a part of that specific guild, partly because you need a job, but also because you owe a certain group from the guild a thanks after clearing your town of a dark guild when you were just a kid.

Your journey through Fiore was a long one, but seeing Kardia Cathedral, you know your trip was worth it as the beautiful sight of the towering church gives you the signal that you're in the home stretch and your new family is at the end of this road.

As you slowly stroll down the street, your suspicions of the guild's good deeds are only confirmed more and more as the smiles and glamorous attitudes of the citizens you move by fill your mind with confidence and joy.  A man wearing an apron joind you in your stroll, and seems to want to engage in a conversation or at least ask a question, so you allow yourself to stop.

The man stops as you do and smiles brightly. "Hello there, I hope I'm not interrupting anything but I'd like to know if you are headed to the Fairy Tail Guild." His question is answered with a nod from you and his smile widens more than ever. "Splendid! I need something delivered there, but I'm quite busy at the moment.  Mind bringing it there for me?" He hands you a box which was surprisingly hidden behind his back. "Just say it was from the bakery down the street and they'll know what to do with it." And with that the cheerful stranger, which you're going to assume is a baker, heads back to his shop which does in fact seem to be quite busy.

Back on track again, you haven't even joined the guild yet and you're already doing work for them.

There it is-- You would not have realized the identity of the building before you if it weren't for the sign reading "Fairy Tail" out front. Your traveling ends here, the constant walking and train rides are no more. Soon you'll be riding trains to jobs... well, guess there will always be traveling.

Adjusting your dark blue jacket and scratching through your hair just a bit, you push the door open with your free hand and observe the insides of the structure.

Your heart drops and your eyes widen as you're greeted with a chair flying towards the door and scoring a field goal, just barely smashing into your head. A brawl has broken out in the center of the hall and most people seem to be duking it out while the others either give them tongue lashings or hide from the chaos. What the hell is this? This isn't at all how I imagined them. Your mind continues to ramble about the guild's image as multiple field goals are scored above your head once again. "No this can't be right. Did I take a wrong turn to the guild? Everyone seems to hate each other!" Your little complaint was just loud enough for the man approaching behind you to hear.

A laugh sounds from behind you and a hand grabs your shoulder, giving you a small but fast shaking. "Nonsense kid this is Fairy Tail alright! We're just having a party! This happens all the time and we still treat each other like family!"

You slowly turn around to see a man wearing a knight's helmet, but more curiously being tailed by five floating tiki head dolls chanting "party" in unison.

The man leans forward a bit to get a better view of what he saw you holding before he got your attention. "Hey whatchu got there kid? Smells nice!" The man smiles wide and shows his tongue, along with the winged guild emblem that came with it.

Your gaze darts back down to the box the stranger gave you and his words pop right back into your memory. "Oh yeah! This was supposed to be delivered to you guys, but the man who gave it to me was too busy."

Silence is floating between you as you don't realize you didn't explain that well enough, and the man in the helmet let's you know in his accusing tone. "Mind telling me who this man was or at least what he looked like?"

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