Rara Avis

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It's been nearly a week since the master of the guild has left for his meeting with the magic counsel. You've gotten quite used to everyone in the guild, and now there is no face there that you don't recognize. You went on an easy job with the Strauss siblings to work at Yajima's restaurant to get some rent for the new apartment you moved into. It is a cozy little spot near Kardia Cathedral, where the view of the road down below is quite elegant as people stroll along the sides, viewing the shops that are scattered around. You are living on the second floor, right before the start of the stairs. The walls are a solid light blue, which match the color of the symbol that appears on your hand while fighting.

It is early morning and you are already up and on your way to the guild. The sun is hidden behind a number of clouds, but still visible enough to keep the town from being shrouded in a depressing color. You have your jacket on as usual, and you keep your head tall to show your happiness.

Just before you make it to your guild, you hear someone call your name from behind you in a desperate manner. You turn around to see a wizard with long green hair and a red coat around him, recognizing Freed from the Thunder Legion. "Hey Freedy boy what's up?" you respond to him with a smirk on your face.

Once he gets in range of your hearing without having to yel,l he folds his arms and looks around frantically. "Ok, two things. First off, I'd prefer if you simply call me Freed. Secondly, I have been searching for Laxus since yesterday. I have something I need to speak to him about." He taps his fingers nervously.

You take the body language Freed was presenting and grin menacingly. "Oh yeah? About what? Does it involve personal feelings? Please, Freedy boy, if there is something you wish to confess, please do share with me," you ask with an evil grin on your face.

The enchantment wizard's face floods red from the accusation and he waves his hands in front of him. "(Y/n) slow down with that. That's not even close to what I need to speak with him about." Freed seems to have an annoyed look on his face.

You shrug at the excuse but keep staring him down. "So what do you need the big man for?" You lean in a bit closer for his answer.

Freed sighs and holds up a paper. "I found this job request and thought it would be perfect for the thunder legion." He presents it to you, allowing you to read the details.

It is only something about bandits. You let off a sigh of defeat. Darn, I got really excited too. I've been watching Freed's behavior around Laxus. "Ah... well, sadly I don't know where he is... But let me try something!" You open the guild doors and reveal a guild full of powerful wizards. "Wow, everyone's up pretty early today, might make this a little harder, but it's worth a shot." You take in a deep breath and collect your thoughts. Once you're ready, you cup your hands around your mouth and yell for the whole guild to hear.

"(Y/n) Is a pathetically weak crybaby with no friends and should quit being a Fairy Tail wizard!"

And with that little outburst, the peaceful guild before you immediately turns into a giant brewhaha. Everyone simultaneously has their own reaction to the call.

Lucy Heartfelia jumps up from her seat and pulls out one of her celestial spirit keys. "Who the hell just said that!?" she yells.

She is followed by Natsu who flips a table out of anger. "Which one of you has a death wish!?" he storms around the guild in search of the criminal. Gray rips his shirt off after hearing that and casually creates a gigantic ice cannon, prepping it to destroy the person who just insulted one of his friends.

Erza appears in a huge battle suit while holding a giant hammer above her head. "What scoundrel dares speak about my comrade in such a manner?"

Reedus throws his paint pallet on the ground and marches around much like Natsu. "Would whoever just put down MY friend like to try that again?"

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