Two Sides of the Same Coin

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Father Zahir, the original master of Wolf Blood now retired and a member of the Eight masters of pain, stands before the four Fairy Tail wizards. He looks upon them in pity, seeing the water mage lay on the ground, writhing in pain as shadows engulf her body. "Vernon leaves me no choice, the only thing I can do now is allow you a swift and painless death before this heathen causes more suffering." His sentences ends and he readies a spell in front of him.

Bisca stared at Zahir in terror, feeling crushed as she was unable to move or fight back. Alzack is on his knees, still dazed from the attack that Zahir delivered upon him. Both of Fairy Tail's gunman are stuck and frozen in fear. Juvia claws at the ground as the shadows send wave after wave of pain and agony through her body.

Cana, on the other hand, stood her ground. This was not out of fear, but out of determination to protect her guild. "No!" She reached into the pouch she carried, pulling out three cards. "I'm not just gonna stand here and let this thing rip into me like this!" Her desperate voice was sure she could prevent herself from reaching the same condition the water mage was currently in. Her speech was ended with a set of cards being thrown at the ground. Just as the creature behind her swung his ax down towards her a protective wall of fire formed, throwing the ax upwards and away from Cana. "It's not gonna be that easy to take me down." She declared, turning around to the wall, waiting for it to dissipate so she could observe who she was going to engage in battle with.

Zahir has canceled his spell once again, unsure if he should continue with his execution. "Are you having second thoughts my child?" There was a glint of hope in his face as he watched the card holder block off an attack.

Cana snickered and vaguely turned her head to get a small look at Zahir. "Don't get ahead of yourself old man. I wouldn't even have nightmares about joining your pathetic excuse of a guild. I've already spent too much time fighting off people like you to become one myself."

The Patriarch processes her statement in shock. The nerve of her to speak like that in his face intrigued him. "I see. It seems your stance is clear, and nothing I can say is going to alter that." He slowly reached up and took his glasses into his grip. His movements showed the age in his body, as his hands ever so slightly shook as he removed the glasses from his eyes. His eyes were visible, showing two light blue colors standing in the center. His facial expression showed remorse. "I despise bringing death upon others. It has been something I have always tried to avoid. But ever since I passed the guild onto my son, he has required me to do just that. My loyalty rests with him though, so I have passed on my pacifistic actions. Malothas..." He looked up towards the Rara Avis. "This path you have chosen, I do not understand it. These people here have decided to oppose you. My loyalty lies with my son, and I trust his word. Therefore I shall end these heathens before me." He raised the book to his chest, creating a glow from the pages inside the cover.

Cana's words made it into Bisca's conscience, snapping her back to reality. The gunner steps forward and fires another shot towards Zahir. The blast was once again canceled out by a pillar of light which absorbed the attack. Bisca did not hesitate to fire again, but it resulted in much of the same.

Zahir's expression shifted from a remorseful look to more of an irritated appearance. "I'm not going to waste my time blocking your attacks. Vernon if you please."

Cana laughed confidently hearing the Patriarch ask for assistance. "Don't worry Bisca, I'll take care of this other-" There was a sudden silence when Cana turns around to view the opponent behind her. The fire wall has vanished and reveals the creature hiding behind it. The moment she saw the face of that creature, she understood why they were frozen in fear moments before.

Vernon, as Zahir calls him, blankly stares at the card holder with an ear to ear grin, showing the sharp and jagged teeth lining his jaw. He was not human nor demon, he was something else. His eyes gaze directly into Cana's, but the way they appear would not seem so, but Cana can tell he is staring directly into her mind and wreaking havoc. The eyes she saw, were not eyes, but orbs; orbs black enough to confuse the human mind at what it is looking at and make it wonder if there are even eyes there at all. There is no reflection, no movement, no sign at all to show what lies within those sockets. His skin was pale, pale enough to almost make him look dead, if he was even alive already. This only made the darkness of his eyes stand out more. Spiky brown hair lay upon his head, a look of rocky graveyards. His attire consisted of what looked to be a lab coat, only shorter, reaching to his waist. The shortness given from the torn and bloody bottom. There was more to the coat, but he no longer has it. Simple jeans cover his legs, or whatever is hidden behind those pants. From what Cana could already see, it could be anything.

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